Reportedly 200 disfellowshipped and 200 publicly reproved !

by koolaid-man 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    In 1981 or 82 District Overseer Frank Bartell in his last talk at a circuit assembly said that there was a terrible situation in Cleveland Ohio the previous year (1980). There were 200 disfellowshipped and 200 publicly reproved. Witnesses there were making PORNOGRAPHIC MOVIES with each other. The majority that were disfellowshipped were those that had heard about it and hadn't come forward.

    http://www.Jehovah' jw /friends/175647/1/Were-there-200- JWs - disfellowshipped -in-1980-all-at-once-in-Cleveland-Ohio

    The Jehovah's Witness sister named Jacqueline who blew the whistle and went to the circuit overseer reporting the largest sex scandal in The Watchtowers history will be our scheduled guest on the Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call, Sat. Feb. 11, 2012 at 7 pm est.

    She will reveal firsthand information that has never been discussed and has been cleverly hidden for 31 years.

    It is easy to get on the call..... no computer is necessary just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use# 9925

    Our lines open at 6:30 pm est. so come on early and meet some new Friends or talk with some old Friends and share your story with all those that have been touched by " the tentacles of The Watchtower"



    I checked your link..

    Your using Bat Shit Crazy "Bonifides" thread as support for this story?..

    Did you do any research of your own to confirm the story?..

    Is this going to be the usual Crap you serve up at Six Screens?..

    No evidence..

    Just more BS so you can have a talk show..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • Iamallcool

    Wow just 200 df'd and 200 publicly reproved, it looks like the number of 200 is made up. Rick I heard about it years ago, I think someone made that stuff up, the word might come from your twin brother. I do believe it is urban legend.

  • koolaid-man

    The research has been done Outlaw, the women is credible...... Join us on the call and question her story.

    At least she has the courage to give us her real name.... She is not hiding in cyber-space frightened to death what The Watchtower might do to her.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, you have not done your research about Johnny the Bethelite either before you gave him the radio show, By the way If the story was true, that means there were 400 JW teenagers. I heard they were teens or near that age. It does not make sense at all that 400 JW teenagers know about it without the elders knowing about it before they finally found out about it. I believe it is WAY exaggerated.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, what will the watchtower do to her? They will not say anything about it. They probably know by now, it is a urban legend. You should know that we cannot believe everything the WT say.

  • Iamallcool

    If the story was true, don't you think it would be on the news?


    Who did the research?..You?

    You still don`t know who Johnny the Bethelite is and you gave him his own show..

    I doubt you did Bugger All to find out the credibility of this story..

    We know your not above deciet..

    Remember the Mayor of Buffalo pic you used for a Six Screens Promotion?..


    .................... ...OUTLAW


    This was your Lame Response..

    After you got caught using the Mayor of Buffalo`s Picture..

    Many on this forum rush to judgement and immediately criticize anything Koolaid-man posts.

    Strong minded reasonable ones wait patiently, research the content in the thread and without hesitation

    listen to the conference call before making a premature evaluation.....Rick Fearon

    No one rushed to Judgement..

    You used a Pic of the Mayor of Buffalo to promote a Six Screens Show..

    The Mayor was`nt going to be on your show..

    You were once again "Caught Red Handed" peddling BS..

    You made your own Reputation..Now you have to live with it..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, can you videotape your radio show from time to time? They should not be hiding from their cyberspace.

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