Take care my dear. Try not to take some of those comments too much to heart, remember that you don't know them and they don't know you. You can only get a hint of what someone is really like through this medium and words are easily said and impossible to take back and words can hurt. I'm sorry if any of mine hurt you, it was completely unintentional. Remember too that you had some excellent advice given you and I really hope you take all of it on board, especially that of finding someone professional that can help you through all your issues. I wish you all the very best. :)
Goodbye, everyone.
by Chemical Emotions 74 Replies latest jw friends
Good luck and God speed you chemical emotions your always welcome here.
Band on the Run
The medium makes people censor themselves less. Your angst is almost universal among people your age. I recall when I started high school, the principal said these will be the best years of your life. It was a rough school with riots and other violence. I went home and cried and cried. Youth is not an easy time. Maybe you need to learn your own lessons. People can't visualize your age on the internet. You showed a lot of spunk coming here.
You solicited advice. I am certain you triggered painful memories in many people here. In the end, this is just a forum. I've never met anyone here. If your feelings are keen, perhaps it is wise to see a counselor. Someone with more knowledge, trained for the job. After the Witnesses, I needed much therapy. If your gut feels that the counselor is not right, move on to another. Set your own agenda.
You need a thick skin here even if you are much older. If you look at the content, and not just the dressing, people had almost uniform thoughts about working on self-esteem and just letting life happen. Only you know what is good for you.
just Ron
If it was me. I am sorry because some times I come off as a jerk.
It is never meant to be that way. I agree that some people are hurt full.
Writting is harder because their are no facial expressions or tone of voice, because the way you interpret those things in your head can really change how it sounds.
If it was me I am sorry
don't go, we will miss you
ignore those who piss you off
I never knew the situatiion, but I always try not to take life too seriously. I live by this, and I could never truly understand it until I was out of the Borg. If you take life and really look at it, you can see the meaning of life. What is it? Just to make the most out of it. Be happy. Always put your happiness over anyone or anything else, because, really, that's all that matters. It sounds selfish but its true. We are all selfish. Look that up on Google and you'll see an article there about that. We all act on our own self interests. You can dilude yourself into thinking your best interest is not your own happiness, but you are still acting on your own self interests, lol. Same either way, so it might as well be your happiness, right?
A suggestion if I may that's similar to what you said...
Don't isolate yourself from those people here who do care about you and help you.
If the public posts are getting to you, just stop reading them (at least for now) and stop posting.
But instead of leaving the website, make a list of people here that you do find to be kind and helpful and start PMing them on a regular basis.
That way, you'll avoid the negativity that's dragging you down while still having a safe outlet to express yourself and get support.
If you think I'm okay, I would be happy to reply to your PMs.
So sorry your leaving. But now that you are able to use your brain & think independently
I am sure you will think things out. I believe in Prayer .but then I am the GRANNY on Board& have learned at 84 yrs old the JESUS is the WAY TRUTH & LIFE for ME
God be with you sweetie (((HUG))) -
Good bye!
Please do not get bottled up with emotions and feelings but find someone to share them with who can listen without judging you. (like Ding said). And please remember two things. One, drugs and alcohol are are not your friends. And Two, trust and friendship take time. Be patient.
Hug (((((((((((Chemical Emotion)))))))))))) Hugs