Were you a born-in or became one as an adult? How long were you in for? What made you realise it was all wrong? Have you stayed in because of family? Are you fading or have you completely gone? Just out of interest.. ;)
What was your life as a JW?
by tornapart 24 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury
Born in.
About 39 when I knew it was bullshit, 42 when I totally quit (fader). Almost all my familly are still in hence the slow fade.
607 finally being fully debunked was the clincher for me.
I thought your thread title wanted my life as a JW, ...well it was one of procrastination due to waiting for The Big A and New System. So now I am pissed off at my wasted best years.
Were you a born-in or became one as an adult?..... neither it was as a young teenager
How long were you in for ? ...many decades
What made you realise it was all wrong? my INFP personality (idealism )was broken due to lack of love
Are you fading or have you completely gone? intense fading
breakfast of champions
Basically born-in. Mom discovered "the truth" when I was about five. Father was "unbelieving."
Against my better judgement, got baptized when 17, reg aux pioneered after HS instead of college (MUCH to my father's chagrin).
At age 40, the generation bullshit finally woke me up. Had questions beforehand, but that was definitely the clincher.
I can't just walk away, I love my family and want to keep them. I am the rot from within.
We'll see.
BoC.. sounds very similar to me (except my dad was in). Let's plant our seeds of doubt. In some ways it's quite cool when everyone thinks you're 'one of them' and you know inside you're not. Bit like a spy I suppose.. :/
I was an adult. About 18 years baptized.
I realized early that something was off. For the longest time I did not understand why they used the scripture at Hebrews 10:24 for teaching that we should not miss a meeting because I know what "forsake" means. But I did not miss many meeting just because I didn't want to go. I usually had a good reason.
I did not stay for family because I am the only one I know who was a JW.
I got to feeling there was little practical help among the witnesses and many of the teachings I did not understand. I did recognize that if what they teach was true then it would be a disservice to make it known to people because then they would say "no" and then they would die. I was not good in field service. I never liked it. I did not believe that to like it one had to be immersed in it. I believed it might be evil to witness to someone at work because they HAD to be there, so I did not.
Mine was an unconscious fade. I faded because I didn't understand doctrine and the absence of real love.
Then I had a meeting with the elders and they answered me definitively that to be a Jehovah's Witness a person must obey the Governing Body. So I left. I walked out of the meeting.
I have completely gone. I am not disfellowshipped which I think is funny!
just Ron
1) Became one as adult.
2)13 years give or take a few months.
3)after 5 years in things changed when one of the elders put his personal interest before the good of the congregation. Then wife told me when I stopped going that they would support her no mater what happened. Like a divorce was coming.
4) yes stayed in because of family they all finally left and so did I.
5)Didn't da not df that I know of. I am not going back Don't care what any of them think they never cared about me.
finally awake
Were you a born-in or became one as an adult? - I read the magazines as a child, but did not study or attend meetings until I was an adult. I don't identify as a born in, but I was exposed to the virus as a young child.
How long were you in for? I started studying in early 1999 when I was pregnant with my first child. I quit attending in November 2011.
What made you realise it was all wrong? I remember very clearly sitting in a circuit assembly and "I don't want to be here" just popped into my head. I don't remember for sure what year that was, but I think it was probably 2004. However, I didn't realize that it wasn't the "Truth" at that point - I just realized I didn't want to be in the organization. I pushed that thought down as hard as I could and tried to make it work, but I ended up inactive after my youngest was born in 2007. I just couldn't deal with field service with a baby, but I still went to all the meetings and social gatherings. I didn't really figure out the truth about the "Truth" until I found this place in December 2011.
Have you stayed in because of family? I stayed in from that moment of clarity in 2004 until November 2011 because Just Ron was in, and all my "friends" were in. I was too scared of losing my family and social life to be honest about my feelings. When things finally came to a head because of the way the elders acted at our last shepherding call, Just Ron asked me if I even wanted to be a witness anymore. I decided to risk a little honesty and said no, and he admitted the same thing.
Are you fading or have you completely gone? I guess I was fading a bit over the months leading up to that last fateful shepherding call. I was looking for any excuse to miss a meeting. By late September and October 2011, I was missing more meetings than I was attending. I haven't been to a meeting at all since early November and I don't intend to ever darken the door of a Kingdom Hall again.
I envy you being able to get out together FA and JR :)