Eleven years posting at JWD/N

by nicolaou 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • nicolaou

    Yes it's my 11th JWN birthday.

    I could never have imagined when I started posting here as a 36 year old and technically still 'active' JW just how interesting the journey out would be. Lots of members have helped and influenced me over the years, Mary, the 'Norwegians' (not universally popular I know), Little Toe, JGnat, Ian (Dansk), Alan F, Alleymom, Blondie, Leo, Blues Brother, Undercover, Farkel, Minimus, Kid A, FunkyDerek, James Woods, leavingwt, Sizemik and so many others who have come and gone. Thanks to all of you, even if your names escape me for now please know that you are appreciated.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Happy Anniversary to you. You've been a great help to me and others.

  • cedars

    Happy anniversary gromit! Great to have you around on here. Hope your idea with the postcards is working out well?


  • Quandry


    I went back and read some of your first posts....mostly about football....English, of course. I know very little about American or English, actually, so...and then on to the generation thingy. I wish I'd followed that nagging doubt in the back of my head when they came out with the "contemporaries" explanation. What a crock.

    At any rate, I couldn't follow your threads enough to see if you have family still in, or what your situation is now. You certainly sound well adjusted, and so I hope that you have been able to successfully put all of the Jw stuff behind you. (Of course the fact that I still post here shows that I don't think that's possible)

    I hope that you were able to set some goals for your life other than get to the next meeting, and that you've been able to meet some of them in the ensuing time. I determined to finsh my education, and I will graduate from college in one more year(I have to work full time and can only take two classes at a time). I am sixty now so hopefully I'll remember some of what I learned before Alzheimer's gets me!

  • Leolaia

    Congratulations! I'm coming up on a decade here myself later this year. The time has flown by, hasn't it?

  • mrsjones5

    Congratulations! Yes time certainly flies.

  • shamus100

    And yet you still won't kiss the monkey... how sad...

  • nicolaou

    pucker up monkey man! xx

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    pucker up monkey man! xx


  • Qcmbr

    yay - one of the pillars.

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