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Terrible conduct by congregation Elders in hospital room !
by RULES & REGULATIONS 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
Greeeaaaaat witness guys. What a bunch of assholes. Were they afraid the apostate would have stopped holy spirit?
breakfast of champions
It's a cult!
As far as I am aware they can pray with a disfellowshipped person in the room as is the case when a DF'd is in the KH.
When I was a child my father DA'd and an elder would have a study with the whole family since we were young and he had left the home.
One evening he turned up during the study, the elder closed his book and said a prayer with him in the room and left.
So who ever these elders are they do not know what they are doing, at least the elder in the case with my family stated that my father is "head of the household' (not spiritual) and that prayer is (universal) not restricted to believers as there is no bible restrictions on prayer.
I am guessing that the elders may not have known what they were talking about and even more weird, they have no legal nor civil right to remove anyone from the room. Even if they called the nursing staff they would have been told that his family could stay if there was no request from family that they were not to be there!
I think they must have been the young ones who call themselves elders
still thinking
Regardless of how the family memeber was behaving (rolling his eyes etc) those elders had NO RIGHT to ask him to leave. He is family, they are not. He would have had more right to ask them to leave unless the dying person specifically requested that they be there.
When someone is dying, people do not need do gooders or onlookers who want to be involved in their distress. Those people show up for themselves, so they can go away and pat themselves on the backs and tell themselves and everyone else what wonderful caring people they are. It is all show and shameful. Clearly they couldn't care less about the family members distress or feelings.
Those elders should be ashamed.
@TheSheppard " There is nothing written in the publications that would require a disfellowshipped individual from having to leave the room"
"I sometimes look for a logical reason for someone's actions"
The logical conclusion is these elders overstepped themselves. I understand your desire to see the good in everyone's actions and this commendable, but unfortuately shunning and asking someone to leave the room for a prayer is not commendable action and it certainly is not an act of love.
My other comment is about the cousin who left the room when asked. I assume he did not want to cause a scene at the bedside of a dying person and that is admirable. The actions of the elders could have resulted in just that, and they acted shamefully. Always remember, shunning is a one way action. Once a person is difellowshipped they are not bound by this rule. A disfellowshipped person can greet anyone they like, including those elders. I find great pleasure in making such ones feel uncomfortable rather than me. However, in these circumstances I would also have left the room. Once the elders were outside the room however, I would have told them why I left, and that they were lucky I was not as unloving as they were or by now they would be seeking medical treatment for a bloody nose.
breakfast of champions
As a former elder, I don't understand shunning like this by the elders themselves. In fact, elders are supposed to shepherd over even these " lost ones"! Sounds like some superfine action going on--- want to make sure that scary ol' Jehovah's not angry with them!
I know someone that was asked to leave the hospital by an elder---against the family's wishes. It was a death bed situation.
I've known ahole elders just like the ones the OP is talking about.
I've also known elders that are kind hearted and would openly console DF'd family of a deceased at the KH in front of everyone, in fact several of the friends hugged the DF'd family member.
The problem is with someone like thesheppard, is that he's likely never see the ahole elders, but OH BOY I can tell you they are out there. My father is one of those good elders. I am not sure he's really seen the ugly side of the org either.
Maybe they wanted to remind the old man that he would be DFed and/or he wouldn't have a christian funeral (maybe they were holding a JC) for talking to his DFed grandson or to warn him for above punishment if he accepted a blood transfusion.
F*** them!