Did field service ever scare any one.

by life is to short 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was always scared somewhat by who I might meet at the door.

    Where I live we just had a mom murdered with her two young sons. It is really sad, from what I just read in the paper the husband and wife took in this young man he was 22 years old and needed a place to stay. He had been with them for months and had celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving with all the family, etc. No one has a clue why he snapped and killed the mom and children. It happened just this Friday night.

    We never knew who we were going to met at the door. I was always afraid of many of the return visits we had. Some of them were peer crazy. Yet we had to go back. If they showed even a hint of interest we had to go back. I remember one time I had just gotten over a cold and we went to this RV who was a chain smoker. After being inside his very small trailer for about ten minutes I started to have a coughing fit because of the heavy smoke. He just came unglued at me, yelling that I was offending him and if I did not like his smoking I could just get out, yet we stayed another 10 to 15 minutes with my trying not to breath or pass out, no one cared about me or my feelings only that his man need to hear the "truth".

    One guy when I was a teenager told the brother I was with, that he had a naked 16 year old girl in his bedroom. The brother I was with was in his late 40's I was only about 13 years old and the RV was in his 60's. The brother just said why don't you invite her to come out and join us in discussing the Bible. Even as a kid I was just blown away. I was like let's call the police. But no the brother just said well maybe sometime later she might like to join us as the RV said she was too shy, so I never knew for sure even if there was a young girl there but the guy just gave me the creeps. Yet he was a RV until the day he died 10 years latter, he even started to study after that and attened meetings.

    There were so many return visits that just totally creeped me out or scared me to death. Yet we had to go back because Jehovah knew their heart and He might see some good in them. Who was I to be the judge I was told so many times if I ever dared to express any concerns I might have.

    The thing is just like this poor family we never truly knew these people we were cold calling on. Who they really were what their past was. Like when some of the children had return visits it would creep me out. Right before I stopped going to the meetings and out in service this elders son got this guy at the door who wanted the eight year old son to come back. The elder and his wife thought that was soooooooo great. I was like really you do not know that man. He really wants a eight year old boy to teach him the Bible in this day and age.

    Anyway did anyone else ever feel this way or was I the only one. Just like this family that got killed it could happen to any JW because we are demanded or commanded by the GB to accept anyone who shows any interest.


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I tried Never to go door to door in my Hometown.......

    Yes I was terrified everytime...........

    and I was a Pioneer for awhile.....

  • myusername

    I experienced the same attitude by people in congregation as you did with the young girl in the bathroom. About 8 JWs were standing by our car eating fast food and there was a man with a naked child in a van next to us. They talked amongst themselves about how they were doing something sexual but they seemed to consider the child just as wrong as the man. Nobody ever said it was wrong to do that to a child and nobody intervened or called the police. I was about 8 and didn't know the police could be called for that but I was still confused why they were acting like the child was so grose.

    Anyway, I wasn't scared going door-to-door because it was in an upper middle-class neighborhood where many people were college educated and had manners, etc.. I feel lucky I did service in that area because it was a nice environment. Sometimes people would get mad at my parents for using me for the purpose of preaching. They told them I shouldn't be doing that.

  • myusername

    p.s. I don't mean I feel lucky to have done service. I mean it could have been worse.

  • baltar447

    Holy F%^# myusername! No words....

    Anyway, how could a single sister NOT feel safe when obviously she would be protected from rape by angels.....

  • no_h8_in_my_heart

    In my early teens I had an RV with an older guy who was always in his pjs and his junk would hang out when he sat down. Not sure if he was a pedo but I never went alone, the elders loved that I had this "quirky" old man as an RV. And never EVER took a sister with me.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    myusername I totally understand what you meant when you said you were glad it was a uper middle-class neighborhood. Of course it was not so bad but see that is one of the problems we call on all neighborhoods, just the other day I was driving through a really bad neighborhood in my city on the way to one of my jobs that lives in a really nice part of town but the only way to get there is to go through the bad part of town. So I am at a red light and I look over and see two JW women going door to door by themselves. It was totally crazy. In this part of town they are always having murders and drug busts. I was so frustrated to see those women out there. I just really wanted to pull over and tell them how totally stupid and crazy they were but I knew it would do no good.

    You are so right baltar447 they feel that they will be protected fro rape by the angels.

    It is so crazy and maddening. The other thing is if they find someone who show interest they bring the nut case into the hall where he or she is exposed to the children at the meetings. Where these women were in field service is also a pedophile haven.

    I just felt so sad reading that story in the paper today about that poor family. They were just trying to help this young guy and he was crazy. Just like the people we meet door to door.

    I hate what this religion dose or did to us. I have had people in my life I wish I had never known, even now I can remember them and how horribly they affected me. And all because a publishing company demanded it from us!


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I forgot also that when I was at Brooklyn Bethel they would not give the sisters birth-control-pills. From what I heard one of the GB did not approve of them. So what they did was send us sister to Bedfordstyveusant which was at the time one of the worst parts of Brooklyn. Not sure if I am spelling the area right but it was really really bad.

    What a sister had to do was call Bethel office and ask permission to go. Which was totally embarrassing and humiliating as you had to explain to some older brother you needed to get birth-control-pills and I needed them not for birth-control only but more for migraine headaches that would make me so sick I would hardly be able to work if I got one and the birht-contral-pill almost stopped them for me. The brother in Bethel office will give you permission only if you promise to go without your husband as they do not want him to leave work.

    The first time I went it was so very scary. It was a really run down clinic and it was truly a really bad part of Brooklyn. As I was crossing the street to wait for my husband at a Burger King as the clinic closed and they told me to just get out there was no where else to wait three guys in the late teens bumped into me and two of them said "lets mug her." I was so terrified. The third one said just let her go. The Burger King had three layers of built proof glass between them and the customer.

    Berthel did not care. Finally one of the husbands stood up to Bethel office and so he would take about five of us sisters to the clinic and WAITED there for us. He told Bethel it was crazy to send us there in the first place and they conceded that as long as he was taking so many sisters he could wait.

    Then my husband and I were mugged in our territory while in field service. We asked if we could switch hall and Bethel office told me to just get a handle on my emotions and get over it. I was so hurt as our hall was also in a bad part of Brooklyn not as bad as the clinic but it was bad. One time during the meeting a guy was shot out front and everyone in the hall was like well that just happens here.

    It is all so crazy.


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I think Just Ron had a gun pulled on him once out in service. The worst thing that ever happened to me was when i rang the doorbell where a preacher lived. The doorbell stuck and kept going off, and the preacher's wife was rather nasty about it.

  • baltar447

    oh man, LITS. I can only say this: FUCK Bethel. FUCK the GB they are such assholes who don't care about people. They are USERS and ABUSERS and I hope they get what's coming to them

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