Hi and welcome,
I am glad to see so many new faces around these places.
I understand somewhat how you feel and what you went through. You have a real opportunity right now to develop yourself so work on that. I don't know if you're still studying or planning on studying but definitely do what makes you feel good, it's the only life we have.
As far as worshipping: that feeling will fade as well. It's just a fallacy of our mind and the conditioning as witnesses (and other (pseudo-)Christians) that we need to stuff the gaps in our knowledge with a god-person of some sorts. The gaps in our knowledge should make us curious, not superstitious. So wonder why you feel you should worship, what questions need answered, then find the answer to those questions and you might even run across something that interests you for life (and yes there is an answer for every question).
I know that dealing with exes is hard but I would definitely consult a lawyer before signing anything. Especially with international contracts and marriages, these things can become very hairy.