While you're busy not having "any" contact with your family and you need help, it's ok to contact your family because they are not going to help you....
What The 4/15/2012 Watchtower Failed To Mention
by mind blown 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
NOW I can see the OP....
They also forgot to mention getting disfellowshipped Dad or disassociated Mom to sign over his/her will and ALL worldly possessions to the Watchtower Corporation, as they age and become more and more infirm....
Maybe "Jehovah" will spare them [resurrect them...], if the Watchtower Corporation gets enough moola from their passing...
Vent, friend! It hurts, I know.
Maybe somebody can forward this to the media like the "mentally diseased" slur. It is hate speech.
mind blown
Thank You Tal
mind blown
I will re phrase my comment:
While you're busy not having "any" contact with your family and you need help, it's ok to contact your family then, because the WTS is not going to help you...
If I have mind blown's point, the scenario is this ...Dad is d/f , lets say that son is a pioneer whose window cleaning business is failing , now in need of urgent help to stave off the bailiffs, he is O K to contact Dad for help since it is a "family emergency" and it is no good expecting anything from the congo or the Society....
Have I got it?
Now how in the h.e.l.l. is the Watchtower going to tell a JW to contact a disfellowshipped or disassociated relative if they need help, when they are the ones that told you to cut them off in the first place.
I told everybody including my relative (who is still in) if you need help, you better contact the people at the KH or the governing body.. unless you plan on leaving. Since you are more loyal to them and the people in the KH then you are to your own relation, then let them help you! Don't call me because if you do, I'm going to give you some help in the form of advice - leave! You're not going to see a dime from me unless you plan on leaving! You want my help leave the organization FIRST!
St George of England
Here in the UK a few years ago there was a case of a brother who was D/Fed but on his death still left all his money to the WTS as he had never changed his will.
The ex-JW's relatives realised they had no case in court but asked the WTS if they would make a donation from the money to the ex-JW's nephew who was autisic and disabled.
They refused to give a penny.