Questions Young Ones Ask... What would you do with your life?

by garyneal 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal

    Did anyone see this video? What do you all think of it? I've seen it before but my wife wanted to watch it again last night. *sigh*

    I guess to be fair, it is a religious video and as such it is going to be biased. I can recall when I was an IFB and I use to go to Sunday morning worship, hang out with my religious uncle and his family until Sunday night, then go back to church before going home. While at my uncle's house, he would watch religious videos.

    This video certainly goes to great lengths to make the coach, the 'unbelieving' father, and Andre's best friend look like they are all about themselves and winning. Later in the video Andre's mom connects being a track star to being a winner in 'Satan's system.' But it is a religious video so what can one expect?

  • Sulla

    Well, we could expect a religious video to tell young men that they should discover that thing God has made them to do. If their vocation is a family, it could be that running is the way to get a scholarship that provides for them. Or, perhaps Andre was really given special gifts that would allow him to compete at the college level or above. Maybe running is what he is supposed to do.

    You could expect that, I think.

  • garyneal

    Well, it is a religious video that promotes the JEHOVAH'S WITNESS religion so of course it would promote the religion over anything 'worldly.' Even if that 'worldly' thing is something that can help provide better for house and home. Given that so many people here had foregone an education and are now regretting it showcases the dangers of getting out of balance when it comes to religion. But, uber-religious people just say, "God will provide." I guess for many this is the case, but I still think that attitude can be very off balance when taken too far.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Wouldn't poeple who had better jobs rake in more dough for the $ociety?

  • diana netherton
  • Miles3

    As Sulla pointed, running can lead to scholarships, and it's a slippery slope from scholarships to Universities and their dideased world of diplomas.

    If God wanted us to think, he would have given us a brain. Think about it. Or, better, don't think about it.

  • garyneal

    Thanks for the responses. Yeah, richer people would rake in more dough for the $ociety, not to mention the fact that someone educated in medicine could specialize in bloodless therapies. Makes me wonder, every time a witness proudly talks about how they managed to find a doctor who specialized in bloodless surgeries, etc., how many of those doctors are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It's propaganda, plain and simple, like the religious videos I use to see at my uncle's house.

  • baltar447

    I got to like 49 seconds and had to turn it off, it was that puke-worthy....

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I couldn't even get through 30 seconds of that video. I think that telling young people to focus only on field circus and meetings and personal study is a real disservice. Even if a person wants nothing more in life than to clean toilets at Bethel, there's no guarantee that they will achieve their dream or that they will be able to stay there for life.

  • Joliette

    This video that 'the society' came out with was downright disgusting. I call watchtower inc dreamkillers.

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