I am a recovering alcoholic and a former JW. My attempt to get help from the elders was only met with threats of judicial action. I stepped out of the box and sought help from AA. I got holy hell when that got out. I was told it was false religion, a cult, a bunch of crack pots etc. All I know is I do not drink any more as a result of the support and help I received of which I did not and never would have received in the "church". Who else out there has thoughts or experience with substance abuse??
What about alternative help for substance abuse?
by harleybear 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
u r aware about outing other alcoholics right?
wha happened?
and keep coming back
finally awake
No personal experience, but good for you for getting help.
wha happened?
are u still attending the meetings?
A big problem with the WTS is that they recruit people who develop a relationship of worship with the organization and not God himself.
The Bible prophesied this "evil slave," which is the WTS would beat its fellow brothers, which is precisely what you are experiencing. Sometimes it is not even personal. They are just carrying out what the WTS dictates.
I've been to AA meetings myself and the support people give to each other and shared experiences I found to be helpful. My dad, an active witness, went to AA for a while. He had a drinking problem. I don't think the local congregation brothers gave him a hard time. His drinking was a family and private issue for the most part; I don't think he went to the brothers for that kind of help. On the other hand, he has always had a strained relationship with the elders, and even now, still active in the congregation, he just attends, gives talks, etc., but refuses any kind of position of oversight. So I admire him for drawing that line and not getting sucked into something he totally doesn't believe in.
I was glad to develop the idea that the WTS was being used by Jehovah for the preaching work and they were helpful to your relationship with Jehovah, but not indispensible.
Best wishes to you. When I was exploring abuse issues, I was glad they were there, every single day, to give support. I was just amazed at how some were able to stop drinking, period. Some have been sober like 10-12 years or more! And they still go to AA to help others. So seeing others do this, can help another's resolve.
still thinking
My father and partner are alcoholics...AA helped them both. You did the right thing, I can't think of anything better.
I went to Alanon for support, that was also a life saver and helped keep me saine during an insane situation.
People who have never experienced addiction do not know what the hell they are talking about. Why would you want help from them? What possible advice could they give you. The support comes from shared experience. From people who truly understand.
A bit like this website, the people on here support those who are recovering from the WTS and their brainwashing. Would you go to a drug and alcohol councellor for help with that? No, you go where people understand because they have been through it themselves.
Well done getting the help you needed. It takes guts to admit we need help.
new one
Hello harleybear,
I to am a recovering alcholic, I was never a Jw, I was just 'a study' And have been around Jw's for years due to my moms involvement with them. I've been dry for a few years now and alough I never went to AA, I did have alcohol counselling for well over a year. Looking back there's just no way I would have managed to stay dry whithout said counselling, Inbetween appointments so much stress and anger used to build up as regards the sittuation I'd gotton myself in and the counselling used to put all that into prospective, I imagine AA did the same?
Anyway You did well not to take the elders words to heart. What kind of loving God would condem you for seeking help to overcome a problem that could ultimatly lead to an early death? It's beyond me how anyone can consider themselvs spirtual leaders and yet be so ignorant about such problems.
Well done beating the drink I know how hard it can be.
other threads on JWN on AA
AA and other 12-step systems have been lifesavers to countless people. I think the perception of them would vary by JWs on an individual basis. Some are just more fanatical and unreasonable than others. Sounds like your Elders come in somewhere at the top of that heap. I am aware of the reference to one's own Higher Power, and yes, I think most relate that to "God", Jesus, or some supreme diety. I see nothing objectionable about the Lord's Prayer or any other part of 12-step traditions, personally. If it works for you, do it. If it's an issue for others, you don't have to advertise that you are involved in AA. Some things are no one else's business.