My son loves to say this for Valentines Day , that for him it is S.A.D. holiday So I sent him heart shaped Reeses peanut butter cups anyway .....
Happy Singles Awareness Day ....
by troubled mind 17 Replies latest jw friends
troubled mind
Where are all the nice ,young ,single ,EX-jw women when you need them ?????
troubled mind
Oh Good Grief There Are T-Shirts !!!!!!
Happy monkey face-licking day.... That is the alternative to Valentines Day.
I'm not sad to be single. I love it! I can travel wherever I want, do what I want.... it's great.
BTW, that it totally cute - singles awareness day. :D
troubled mind
and their own stuffed animals ......
Yeah, I've wanted to do that to a few stuffed animals I got in the mail...
troubled mind
Shamus I like your positive outlook ........
Here is how I like to think about it .....