So Rick had been.. ! Now let us take down the WT!
Rick Fearon should apologise for accusing faders of being cowards
by cedars 188 Replies latest jw friends
In all seriousness, I think the forum will be a much better place now as a result of this decision.
Again, thank you Simon.
What if he returns with a new username?
Simon will use the eject button again.
What's wrong with Rick Fearon talking straight forward about how he feels about JWs leaving the organization, whether you fade out, dissasotiate, or get disfellowship, it all mental abuse created by the WTBTS.
hey Rick, what's up??
I personally would have had greater tolerance for the man had he not needed to squeeze so hard to get into his dark kingdom-hall threads. That suit looked way too tight and ill-fitting and the tie finished off any remaining composure he may have managed. The poor man looked as if he had become any redder of complexion, the suit would literally explode into tiny shreds. Sadly, we may now never have opportunity to see that unlovely spectacle.
needed to squeeze so hard to get into his dark kingdom-hall threads. That suit looked way too tight and ill-fitting and the tie finished off any remaining composure he may have managed. The poor man looked as if he had become any redder of complexion, the suit would literally explode into tiny shreds.
Unfortunately not everyone can afford, or has the flair to dress in the latest fashions from Milan as you yourself are evidently able to do. The man has lost his posting priveleges, yet he still is evidently clearly on your mind, and of all things, you choose to make fun of his clothes and bodily appearance. I, and I am sure most others have by now even forgotten about this trainwreck of a thread, and have instead chosen to focus on more positive threads so thanks for bringing it back to our attention so that the flames can be fanned once again.
I thought that you were some type of councelor, psychologist or therapist? I would usually hold such people as yourself to higher standards. Evidently I was wrong.
Why not let sleeping Dogs lie???
In all fairness, I would ask that the mods please lock this thread so that the attacks on someone who can no longer defend or speak for himself stop.
ohiocowboy, good point. I stand chastened. It may sound feeble, but in an earlier post RF made some pretty personal comments about me and a few other posters. The pity was, in the thread he chose to turn on me, I had not even been saying anything critical of the man - but he appeared to have "discovered" I was gay and that seemed reason enough to criticize me. But, yes, on reflection, my comments on this thread do not help.
Calebs Airplane
Now that Rick is under the guise of "LuLu4YouYou" (instead of his former handle... Koolaid Man), he has no business accusing anyone of being a coward... just saying... I'll zip it now...