What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Owe Us?

by 00DAD 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    I thought I'd start a new thread in response to this one:

    What We Owe Jehovah's Witnesses

    and rephrase the statement into a question: What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Owe Us?

    In the original post, "Jehovah's Witnesses" meant the organization in general, and in particular to the fight for certain civil rights, all good things.

    However, as lofty as that is, there are many areas where the organization falls short. So What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Owe Us?

    I'll start it off by saying they owe us:

    • An apology for lying
    • An admission of failures for:
      • False prophecies and predictions
      • 1914
      • The whole "Generations" nonsense
    • A commitment to being truthful and honest about all things
    • Full disclosure of
      • Pedophiles
      • Financial matters

    I could add more, much more, but I want to leave some things for others to add.


  • Twisty

    Social skills and friends


  • flipper

    Jehovah's Witnesses AND the WT society leaders owe us the respect and courtesy to NOT push their controlled beliefs onto us , leave us the hell alone by not calling at our doors, and to stop breaking up families by spreading lies and false rumors about us fading, inactive, DFed, or DAED ex-Witnesses. I'm sure I'll think of more later



    Jehovah`s Witness`s owe us nothing..

    The WBT$ owes both JW`s and exJW`s..

    Remember who the Enemy is..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

    Jehovah's Witnesses AND the WT society leaders owe us the respect and courtesy to NOT push their controlled beliefs onto us ,
    leave us the hell alone by not calling at our doors, and to stop breaking up families by spreading lies and false rumors about us fading,
    inactive, DFed, or DAED ex-Witnesses. I'm sure I'll think of more later. Peace out,..... Mr. Flipper

    I stand Corrected..Good one Flipper..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • diamondiiz

    JWs maybe nothing, but WTS owes us a lot! Because of wts, many had shitty upbringing, fear of the outside world. Lost opportunities because of being discouraged from going to college/university. Wasted time thinking of fairy tales while GB covered up their past from us.

    Personally I would love to see wts get sued for everything they've got and GB and their high end sidekicks get kicked to a curb or get a rotten hole in a ground for a jail cell.


    all of the above.

    Some JW's owe personal apologies for being nasty, rude, pius, controlling etc

    Parents owe me a serious apology for all those years of total b/s

    Financial compensation for all those missed birthday and xmas presents. Also for all the promotions one has been overlooked for due to an inadequate education.

    Financial compensation to take a year out of employment and do all the things I missed out on when I was busy pioneering.

    What does the government pay for wrongly imprisioning someone and taking years of their life?

    Financial compensation for all the hours spent on fs, building kh's and listening to talks. Minimum wage would do plus petrol money - not like I was very skilled labour.


  • WTWizard

    My money back--at that, whatever silver I could have bought with the money I wasted on the cancer or could have earned but did not because of some rubbish taught by the religion or because I was too busy attending a boasting session or in field circus.

  • Flat_Accent

    I think for a lot of us, who were brought up as witnesses, the tendency is to ignore some of the important questions - what we want to do in life, where we see ourselves in 10,20 years, the kind of person we want to be.

    Like most young witnesses, I reckon, (and I can only speak from personal experience) I never thought about any of those things, because Armageddon was coming. Armageddon was coming before I needed to go to College, before I had to decide about going to University, before I had to get a job, before I got married. God was going to hand me everything on a silver platter in the New System, and 'we're so close!' Why concern myself with future prospects in this world? It encouraged a sense of laziness on my part - I didn't need to worry, because anything I was doing was temporary, and I am suffering the consequences for that thinking now.

    I chose a course in College that wasn't really for me. I never thought about what I really wanted to do, and just went with what my parents thought I should do. When I was younger, I wanted to be a lawyer, or an architect, but my parents said those would be a waste of time, or take too long at University, where I could be 'tainted'. I ended up doing a Graphic Design (basically advertising) course. It was recommended I apply for University but I was compelled to ignore the advice of my teachers. Now I'm sat at home, out of work, and I can only ever live with those regrets on the things I should have done, If only I hadn't been tied down by that godforsaken cult. Thanks Watchtower.

  • TOTH

    I don't think that indivdual jw's owe me anything...Unless they wronged me personally. As far as the wt goes...I don't feel like it owes me anything either. Sure, I fell for a scam. But I discovered what happened and I corrected it myself. Even if the cult felt some need to apologize I would reject it.

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