When you were a Witness, were you pretty much like you are now---personality wise? Are you calmer or more agitated? Are you that much different?
Honestly....What Kind Of Jehovah's Witness Were YOU???
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
I don't recognize myself ... I see pics of me back then and I look even older ... these days, (actually since becoming a Christian and being in the constant process of being transformed by renewing my mind) ... I am very calm, I don't yelled at my kids, even if want to get mad it seems that the muscles of my face don't remember how to put on a mad face anymore, really... if I have what my flesh consider a "crisis" it does not affect my heart, I feel peace inside, I consider myself a happy person.
A lot of people are happy simply because they don't feel always put down. You don't have to do everything you're supposed to do per the Society. Life is better.
I still have self-worth issues from being born-in. I am female, so I don't know if it is the same for the guys, but I imagine in most cases, it is similar. But even when I am very low, I am still so grateful that I am not "in" anymore. My personality is still somewhat the same. I still like people in general and want to be friends with just about everyone, but I don't allow myself to be stepped on as much as I used to. I don't have to be nasty, but I also don't have to go crawling back for a second, or third, or one-hundredth helping of humiliation and regret. I love people in general, but I am a little better at detecting bullsh*t when I hear it.
Aw crap....
I think Minimus is actually asking a serious question...
I was surly, angry, hyper-sensitive and super-touchy....
Not much different from what I am now....
But I was angry ALL OF THE TIME, because I HATED BEING A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS!!! I was only doing it to keep from being hit, kicked, slapped, insulted, etc, etc, by the "loving" Jehovah's Witness parents....
My personality underwent a HUGE transformation for the BETTER once I escaped...
Wish I'd escaped when I was nine years old...
I am still as I was MOUTHY!!!! Foot in the door JW. If you said you didnt have time to study,
I would offer to clean your house, do your wash, take you for groceries so we would have an hour to study
If anyone gave me an argument about the "TRUTH:" would sure make sure they changed their minds. LOL
How do you think I was able to "con" 10 folk to become JWS... Yes I was the devils tool!!!!!
I believed it SO much !! went through a NO Blood operation, Took beatings from my Hubby,I knew I had to suffer
to get into the Paradise earth ...I was a total ARSE HOLE to be honest.. -
Hi, Mouthy!!!
Glad to see that you've changed!!!
I thought I had the answers about everything.
But curiously I was also much more uptight about everything.
And I never felt like anything I did was enough: quantity, quality ... you name it.
I don't think my basic personality has changed . . . but much of it was suppressed to conform. I was often confused about some things but lacked the self-determination and self-belief to address it. Like Bella15, my memories of myself as a JW are invariably seen in the 3rd person . . . like an observer seeing someone elses life.
Now I feel less assured about the future of human society as a whole . . . but the upside is the freedom to explore everything afresh . . . and to maybe even influence my environment for the better. I was never comfortable having such a large group of acquaintances scrutinising my every move. I now enjoy a much smaller circle of genuine friends . . . and the solitude I can now choose when I desire it. What I am now is more the real me.
I was friendly outgoing and loving when I was in and I am still the same. The difference is that most of the people I loved when I was in did not love me back. I sensed it then and it is obvious now. Time to make new friends!