1 Hour 57 Minutes, Dawkins quotes Hitchens on Free Will: "I have no choice."
"Something from Nothing" (Discussion with Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss)
by leavingwt 23 Replies latest jw friends
That was a treat!!!
tec: Has any scientist observed empty space at a stage where it has nothing?
I think the same question scientists might ask is who created god?
Marked to view/listen at a later time. Thanks.
Has any scientist observed empty space at a stage where it has nothing?
This wasn't a confrontational question, Jay. It was a genuine one. I don't know the answer.
I think dr. Krauss main point is that if "nothing" is not observed experimentally in empty space (and mind that this is an experimental fact), why should we a-priori think of "nothing" as the natural state?
My question is a simple one. Perhaps I don't understand something. I waited and listened to all the questions at the end, to see if someone else would ask mine and get an answer.
How, if empty space has energy, can it be nothing? I think he touched on what you said above about quantum gravity what-have-you... way above my pay grade too, lol. But even that is something.
I know he laughed it off like people (theologians) were ignorant when they said to him that this was not nothing... but if you have energy, or if you have gravity... then it's NOT nothing. So I don't get it. I don't get what I'm missing, and so I am asking the question.
I'm not going to get into the religious stuff, because I can have that conversation on here any time I want to. Science does not interfere with my faith, and my faith does not interefere with science.
marking . . . the reviews sound good.
Tec: that is krauss point, nothing is not nothing in this sence.
Some theologians favor an argument along the lines: before big bang, there was nothing. How could that become something on its own without god?
Krauss point out that the idea of an absolute nothing is not very sound emperically or theoretically.