"9/11 was in fact....an Attack on Jehovah's Organization!!"

by RagingBull 117 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnnOMaly

    The worst was the rapist that knocked on people's doors and forced his way into the home, he was caught and a sister was confused as to why he had not attacked her, for the rapist had called on her door that evening...

    The police asked him... He said "why that big tall guy stood behind her was the reason I didn't attack her..."

    I heard a variation on this story. The sister had got into an elevator and the rapist got in with her. He couldn't attack her because there was a big tall guy next to her ... only there was no one else with her *dun, dun, duuuuunnnnn*!!!!


  • Leolaia

    OMG!!!!! I remember that story! I heard that from the podium sometime in the '80s. It was some talk about angels helping JWs in the preaching work.

  • shamus100

    Oh gawd, that story about the rapist and the angel protecting the witness... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    I love the dramatic music.

    Personally, I enjoy the dramatic prarie dog. :D


  • ziddina
  • ziddina

    Oh, and I think that if one looks up that "rapist" story, one will find variations on it within the Mormons, Baptists, and other fundie groups...

  • ziddina


  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    What a joke. Why do the JW's think that every world shaking event is pointed at them? I was mislead by the whole WW2 belief that it was an attack against the anointed, I truly drank that in....yet I was confused some 20 odd years later when I learned that likely 80,000 - 200,000 freemasons lost their lives for not pledging an oath of allegiance to Hitler. This pales in comparison to the JW's that 10,000 were sent to concentration camps and 2,500 losing their lives. I do not want to minimize or trivialize the murder of any one at the hands of any regime, but it begs a question - WW2 for the witnesses? Really? What about the freemasons? What about the over 600,000 that lost their lives because of other religious affiliation (only Witnesses were recorded) possibly many catholics, protestants, mennonites, lutherans, etc.?? The gypsies (250,000 murdered), homosexuals (6,000 estimated as murdered), mentally ill (estimated at about 60,000) and finally, what about the 6 million Jews?

  • ziddina

    Excellent points, Simon Morley....

    That ego-centric attitude of the Watchtower Organization never ceases to amaze me.

    "It's ALL about US, because WE'RE being a 'thorn' in Satan's side!"

    Ha ha... They wish...

  • zeb

    The gasps and ooh and arrhs that resounded were they the same as the verbal shock that sounded in a state of Victoria (Australia)court recently when the WTS lawyer stated that the FDS and the gb didnt exist but were a convenient theological arrangement.

    He is"Inebriated by the exuberance of his own verbosity"

  • zeb

    The gasps and ooh and arrhs that resounded were they the same as the verbal shock that sounded in a state of Victoria (Australia)court recently when the WTS lawyer stated that the FDS and the gb didnt exist but were a convenient theological arrangement.

    He is"Inebriated by the exuberance of his own verbosity"

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