A sting slap on the butt ok leaving marks that last for hours not cool.
Spanking JW children can lead to Problems
by is there help out there 28 Replies latest jw friends
Spanking is different from beating the shit out of a child. I was spanked, not beaten, the spankings were deserved.
Spanking children is assault. I wonder with parents that spank their children, at what age do they think it is no longer acceptable?
If it is acceptable to hit a child across the face, then why is it unacceptablt to hit a wife across the face?
If it is acceptable to hit a child across the legs with a rod, why is it unacceptable to hit an employee across the legs with a rod?
If an elder used a wooden spoon on the hands of a ministerial servant would that be ok? If not why can they use it on their children?
jwfacts-Spanking does not include hitting a child in the face or use of instruments or weapons, to inflict punishment. Spanking, on the butt, with a hand-to be able to judge the force of the swat,is a far cry from smashing someone in the face, beating someone with a rod, or using a spoon. When using the hand, one does not continue to spank without restraint or repeatedly.
I usually end up sending my kids to their respective rooms or take away a priviledge, or make them to something they don't want to do, i.e., clean up the dog poop in the yard.
I was spanked as a child, not abused, not beaten with a spoon or a rod. I feel very sorry for those people who have been victimized by their parents by being beaten.
I was raised with spanking. When I was 2 my dad asked me why I go to meetings. He was hoping for a "because I love Jehovah" answer; but, instead he got, "to get a spanking." When I had my children (6 of them) I was still stuck in that JW way of spanking my children when they didn't behave. One hit...another hit...eventually they became immune to it.
I took parenting classes when my oldest was about 7 and my youngest about 2, as a single parent. I learned how to parent without hitting. I was firm, they had consequences for their actions - but after I learned there was a different way to discipline I never spanked. My parents thought I wasn't doing a good job as a parent. One sister at the kingdom hell tried to assist me by hitting my children while "helping" me during a meeting when my kids weren't behaving. I was livid.
These children are now 18 to 24, all have graduated, are employed (the oldest as an RN) and none of them do drugs or have any kind of criminal record. The same cannot be said for my jw-raised, spanked siblings. All of my children have better self esteem than myself and my 3 siblings do.
Spanking does not work. Positive discipline, with firmness, consistency, and love do. It may take more time and work to do, but it works. Parenting is an investment in the future. Spanking, or any form of corporal punishment, in my experience, does not work.
PaintedToeNail - Spanking can involve an instrument.
Domestic corporal punishment (also referred to as corporal punishment in the home or parental corporal punishment ) typically involves the corporal punishment of a child by a parent or guardian in the home—normally the spanking or slapping of a child with the parent's open hand, but occasionally with an implement such as a belt , slipper , cane or paddle . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanking
In many cultures caning is still legal.
I personally think that physical punishment is the lazy way to discipline. It is easy to hit a child, but a lot more difficult to try to explain to them why it is wrong in a manner that will encourage them not to do it again.
Spanking is defined as using moderate force, usually enough to inflict mild pain but not enough to injure a child. Usually an open hand is used. There is debate as to whether or not this should be done, but I believe in limited situations it can be useful. Spanking to get a child's attention to avoid a dangerous situation might be appropriate--it hurts less than getting hit by a car, for instance.
However, a beating is never appropriate. Repeated hard slaps, or worse using a stick, rod, belt, or other items can result in more than mild pain, and it is associated with abuse. Threats of beatings are also unacceptable--"Wait until your father gets home" or "Wait until we get home" is also abuse. This is usually what goes on in the Kingdumb Hell. Children taken to the back to be beaten, and threatened with worse beatings when they get home. Children beaten while out in field circus, or threatened with beatings while in field circus. And so on.
Additionally, punishing children for doing what children normally do or for reacting normally to your unreasonable demands is abuse regardless of what methods are used. Whether it be spankings, beatings, or taking things away, unreasonable or inconsistent enforcement of rules is going to create the same problems that these studies indicate spankings create. And if you are continually relying on punishments to train children, you need to seriously re-evaluate whether the rules are even reasonable.
I personally think that physical punishment is the lazy way to discipline. It is easy to hit a child, but a lot more difficult to try to explain to them why it is wrong in a manner that will encourage them not to do it again.
Some children are little devils. I know that if I wasn't spanked, I would've gotten away with a lot of things. I grew up very disciplined and learned to never talk back to my elders.
Spanking let's a child know who is boss (when used appropriately). I don't think anyone is advocating beating their child up half to death.
Oh lord the flashbacks, it wasn't just a simple pat on the behind the parents would show up with wood ladels rope and belts to beat their sweet little 2 year olds. I still get teary eyed thinking of the abuse.
Spanking to get a child's attention to avoid a dangerous situation might be appropriate--it hurts less than getting hit by a car, for instance. - WTWizard
Why would you hit a child to remove it from a dangerous situation? That makes no sense at all.
Spanking let's a child know who is boss (when used appropriately).
Be consistent, say what you mean and mean what you say. Have boundaries and impose sanctions when they are crossed. That way children will know who is boss and won't grow up thinking hitting people is a good way to impose their wishes on others.