"Jesus, the Easter Bunny, and Other Delusions: Just Say No!"

by leavingwt 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Jesus, the Easter Bunny, and Other Delusions: Just Say No!

    Video of the lecture at the link below:


    On January 27th, 2012, Dr. Peter Boghossian of Portland State University presented a controversial thesis to a packed crowd : faith is a belief-producing process that does not lead one to the truth.

    In this talk, sponsored by The Freethinkers of Portland State University and published by philosophynews.com, Dr. Boghossian argues that faith-based processes are unreliable and unlikely to lead one to the truth. Since our goal as knowers is to have more true beliefs than false ones, faith, as a process for getting to the truth, should be abandoned in favor of other, more reliable processes. The talk was followed by a question and answer session from the audience.

    There are many bad ways of discovering truth about the way the world works like divination, dowsing, sacrificing animals, and lucky guesses. And most people—even people of faith—would agree that these are poor and unreliable. Faith, says Dr. Boghossian, is like these other methods and should be discarded on the same grounds. He shows how the practices of various religious traditions have been shown using the methods of science to be ineffective and lead their practitioners to false conclusions. When confronted with the discomforting evidence, people of faith tend to shift their claim from, “my faith is true” to “my faith is useful.” But this isn’t a valid move argues Boghossian.

    In this powerful presentation, professor Boghossian is not interested merely in tearing down faith but in demonstrating how a life guided by reason and evidence can be so much richer and more fulfilling.

    Via: http://www.philosophynews.com/post/2012/02/14/Jesus-the-Easter-Bunny-and-Other-Delusions-Just-Say-No.aspx

  • leavingwt

    At minute 34: "Conviction is evidence of nothing but conviction."


    No! No! No!

    Thanks for the info.

  • james_woods

    Can we still have the Easter baby chicks dyed pink, blue, and green?

    My cat thinks they are delicious.

  • leavingwt

    At minute 42:40 [To move beyond faith. . .] "I'm going to proportion my beliefs to the evidence."

  • leavingwt


    After the 45-minute talk, he takes questions from the audience. They are not softball questions. It's a hostile audience.

  • ziddina
    "Jesus, the Easter Bunny, and Other Delusions: Just Say No!"..

    Well, YEAH....

    I knew THAT....

    But DON'T talk to me about "dragons" being a figment of my imagination...

  • darthfader

    Don't you all know by now that Science, Philosophy are nothing because they are based on "empty headed reasonings"...
    Sheesh.. you reality mongers need to see the real truth

    Thanks for the Links LWT -- I watch that Lawrence Kraus and Richard Dawkins video Last night. Im bookmarking this for later viewing


  • Flat_Accent

    Good find LWT, it gets interesting after the general introduction about delusions and evidence based ideas etc.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Somewhere in Thessalonians it says that "faith is not a possession of all people."

    That scripture always sat funny with me as a JW. I always felt it unfair that people are judged based on their "faith". I agree there has to be something more reliable at reaching a truthful conclusion. Take any topic other than God/religion and faith would not hold water as proof of anything.

    Good post.

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