So I emailed the owner website that sells various JW and creationsit stuff, a guy who is supposedly a JW with these simple words: Why is your website so hard to navigate? To which he must have taken negatively, and went on the defensive in an instant. Nobody else has a problem. Suspect its something to do with your poor computer skills! Please don't visit again. Regards Steve
Just owned (and pwned) a Jehovah's Witness website owner! Must Read!
by garbonzo 19 Replies latest jw friends
Post his site here...then we can all email him asking the same question....
Great salesman!
So I emailed the owner website that sells various JW and creationsit stuff, a guy who is supposedly a JW with these simple words:
Why is your website so hard to navigate?
To which he must have taken negatively, and went on the defensive in an instant.
< br /> Nobody else has a problem. Suspect its something to do with your poor computer skills! Please don't visit again.
Regards Steve
Edit: Sorry guys, I didnt get to post everything. This forum is not too mobile friendly. And then to have the gall to label the subject "Rudeness" LOL!
So I respectfully replied:
Are you a real JW or not? Don't worry, I will still keep subscribed and visit whatever interests me, but your response doesn't seem very christian-like.
No professional wouldn't admit that your site is novice at best. Not user-friendly and not easy to navigate.
For instance, the link below directs you to Part 2 of the video, but there is no link to Part 1. One would need to have the moderate computer expertise of knowing to click the transparent "Youtube" logo at the bottom right of the embedded video (or go to Youtube directly), then Ctrl+C (or Right-click » Copy for newbies) the title and Ctrl+V (or Right-Click » Paste) into the search console at the top of the page (I couldn't find Part 1 in the myriad of videos you have uploaded, so I settled for searching), then finally find Part 1.
All of this could have been averted by simply adding a hotlink on Part 2's page directed at Part 1's page on your site, or alternatively, directly to Youtube, and vice-versa.
And that is only just 1 in a swamp of various other issues. Were you to reply more courteously and christian-like, I would have given expert advice on how to fix those other matters... But I am sure you are getting enough sales from those young and computer savvy, who we all know are the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses, correct? /sarcasm TL;DR: U Mad, Bro? Thank you, and Kind Regards.
Funnily enough, I had to do some basic html coding in order to post this thread from my Kindle Fire and format correctly. :P -
wha happened?
what's the addy?
His email is: <[email protected]>
He has many websites:
Newest email:
If you were paying attention you would know:
1) You are not subscribed to my site because I kicked you out
and blocked you.
2) Part 1 of the video was shown the week before. (Everyone
else knew this ... it was obvious ... only you felt it necessary
to send in a whining, moaning comment)
3) Oh so you know my YouTube account is called Theocratic Research.
Well done ... its only been up since 2008!
I daily get aggressive, threatening emails .. mainly from
apostates, evolutionists, members of Christendom and the like.
Sometimes legalistic brothers like you join the chorus.
Water off a ducks back my friend ... I enjoy the banter!
Yes ... I am defensive to criticism ... its the only way to survive online
I'm afraid.
No need to reply. -
I guess he was right about being a duck.
Wow his website is SO 1998!
That's what I was kindly trying to tell him! LOL! I could have designed that in 1990, lol.
I am banned from commenting on TheocraticResearch's youtube chanel. I guess he didnt like when I told everyone the invisible presence of christ came in 1874.