What is a fresh annointing

by StopTheTears 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vanderhoven7

    The Need for Fresh Anointing

    "The Lord's anointing oil is on you. — Leviticus 10:7

    Our reward in heaven will not be determined by yesterday's anointing but by today's fresh anointing. I will not receive a reward for how well I preached, how many thousands I reached or blessed, or even how many people were converted under my ministry. To be rewarded for my gifts is nonsense! "For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?" ( 1 Cor. 4:7 ). God is not going to reward me for the ability He alone gave me. My reward in heaven (may God grant that there is such) will come entirely by whether I practiced what I preached: walking in the light, dignifying the trial, totally forgiving others, and placing utmost priority on my intimacy with Him.

    And yet my continued effectiveness here below is also determined by my hearing God's voice today. If my anointing given me yesterday is replenished by a fresh anointing that comes by the way I live personally and privately, I will continue to hear God speak and will know His will daily. I will not miss what He wants of me or what He wants me to see around me. I can think of nothing worse than missing out on what God is doing. And yet my knowledge of the Bible will not in and of itself guarantee that I will recognize what He is up to today.

    We must all learn to distinguish the difference between what is important and what is essential—and always do the latter. Whether with our use of time, money, our diaries, or social relationships, the issue is what is essential and being sure we do what is essential. Yesterday's anointing is important; today's fresh anointing is essential."

    Excerpted from The Anointing: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Charisma House, 2003).

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Don't yall just hate it when God calls to tell you something, then hangs up before explaining it? How rude.

    Think About It

  • elderelite

    I assumed it was the coffee they served at bethel...

    Sorry couldnt resist

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Maybe you can get one where they do spray tans.

  • N.drew

    if you were stumped, then you obviously weren't the intended recipient of the message - or the meaning would have been clearly understandable.

    For example, if the voice had said "if you build it, they will come" and you were the owner of a cornfield (and also a big baseball fan), the meaning of the message would be obvious. However, the confusion you have expressed indicates to me that you have intercepted a message for someone else. It can happen.

    Cedars good post!!

  • transhuman68

    God here: I said- "A fresh appointment." With your doctor. Are you deaf?

    Oh, for my sake!

  • Fernando

    Eyes and ears anointed by Holy Spirit are what enable the spiritual man to discern what the religious/physical/natural/carnal/temporal man cannot (1 Cor 2:14-15; Isa 6:10).

    A fresh dose of this can't be a bad idea, especially if we are not hearing or seeing too well spiritually (for whatever reason) and God has something new to make us aware of and wants to take us to the next level of relationship and intimacy (John 16:12-13; 2 Cor 3:16; 4:4; Rom 10:16,17).


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