Our IT guy at work is also a pastor of his church. He told me today that many years ago he went to a memorial. When they passed the wine and bread he noticed that no one was taking any and thought it was weird. When it was passed to him he took a sip and got this shocked look from a few people. He thought to himself "Didn't Jesus say to do this in rememberance of me??" So he took ANOTHER sip just so they were sure he did it on purpose. AHAHAHA! I loved it! :)
JW story told to me from our IT guy
by reneeisorym 10 Replies latest jw friends
Hee hee hee hee!!!
Sure shows the idiocy of the way the JWs do it, doesn't it???
After all, Jesus said something about, "KEEP doing this in remembrance of me."....
Though I suspect the Gov.Bod pulls some convoluted reasoning about Jesus' words meaning to keep doing it only until he returned - "invisibly"...
Broken Promises
Haha, good for him!
He should have scoffed the whole glass . . . nobody else was going to have any . . . except the Elders afterwards.
A similar thing happened at our hall. An RV took a bite, or is it a sip, can't remember which is first. Well, did that upset the speaker. He made a huge issue about how we should not take it unworthily and read the Scripture about how bad that would be, and made a point that someone not baptised or anointed would not be worthy. I felt so embarrassed for the person, who was intimidated into not partaking of the next course.
Invited a study to the memorial (this was years ago).
So I went over with him what to expect at the memorial.
When we got to the wine and bread I told him he can not
partake. Why he ask, I told him he is unworthy. That ended
the study, thank goodness.
If you look at this with worldly eyes, why would people organize something involving bread and wine, and then not eat it? "You're unworthy" doesn't cut it. "Unworthy" of what? Eating?
@jam: "Why he ask, I told him he is unworthy. That ended the study...."
Yep, "You're unworthy" is like the #1 underlying message in the JW religion. You're not worthy, never good enough, no matter how hard you try or what you do.....not worthy. Jehovah's Witness are a "though shalt not" pharasitical cult, no doubt about it!
- Wing Commander
wha happened?
Since I've been out, I've told a few of my business associates that I used to knock on doors. The usually laugh. The ones that are familiar enough with the religion to have attended a Memorial, make that same comment about the bread and the wine. What's with passing it around? What's the point?
If anyone is going, for fun, take a sip and then spit it back into the glass and ask out loud to see the Maitre de, immediately!!!