Darkest before the dawn

by joelbear 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Well, this day started out really bad with a panic attack about 8am at my doctor's office and a dark mood that lasted all day.

    It ended with me getting a job as a data base and marketing assistant with a national banking association where I get to work from home part time with full benefits while I am going to school.

    Thanks for always letting me voice my feelings here. I think getting it out helps me. Maybe someday soon I won't need to do it anymore.

    take care and thanks for caring about me


  • mindfield

    Well, at least the day finished out well!!!

    Good to hear from you, joel.

  • Celtic

    That tis OK Joel yam daft balmpot, how ye be yam darft bugger, this hungover hobbit wants to know? Feel free to write me if you need to, you know that yes?

    Take care & best of good wishes in your new job, CONGRATULATIONS!!

    [email protected]

  • Billygoat


    Congratulations on the job! Woohoo!

    Something you might want to think about:

    When I had a day that started off bad...or ended bad...I would say I had a bad day. Even if just a few hours of it were bad, my WHOLE day would be ruined. Now, if I have a day that starts off bad, it doesn't mean I've had a BAD DAY. Maybe I had a rough morning but a good afternoon. I just started looking at the small increment of 'bad time'. Usually it was relatively small compared to the rest of the day. Made a difference to me.


  • WindRider

    Joel, I am Soooo happy for you! It is funny how things turn out, huh? I mean I dont believe in the philosophy that all things happen for the good, but I am glad that this time it did have such a good ending....how wonderful to be able to work at home, full benefits and still get to stay with your schooling.

    You give the rest of us in similar situations hope to hang in there.

    Take care you wonderful big lug,


  • orangefatcat

    Could the person who posted the wow picture of Jesus please put it up again, as I lost all my files
    thank you

  • Doc_jedd

    ......Glad to hear things are working out for ya Joel!

  • orangefatcat

    sorry orangefatcat is not thinking right, forgive my faux pas

  • anglise

    Well done Joel about the new job.
    Why should you worry about the need to vent to those who care.
    The day we stop having feelings and emotional needs for ourselves is the day we stop caring for others.
    Carry your love and feelings with pride.

  • freeman

    Good going, best of luck with your new job Joel


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