Dont feed the troll, Rick Fearon. He just posted about one hour ago. Just stay away from his threads. I know that not everyone can resist posting on his threads, but I would like to see alot less people posting on his threads.
by Iamallcool 12 Replies latest jw friends
No right to pick on one person who puts himself out there. Do I see your picture, video, and voice out week after week? I doubt it. I just don't get the haters? There are many aspects to leaving this religion. I don't buy everything that is sold but I do gleen some good information and enjoy the content all the same. Will I be out standing on a street corner anytime soon with fellow hey, it takes allot to do that. I really consider the attack on him so personal that I just don't get it? I am not Rick, I never met Rick, I am just a 40 year fader that still has an interst in what is going on with JWs...the good, the bad, the funny and maybe even the made up!!!!
"i am not rick, i never met rick" ^^^^^^^^^ Rick
Grow the eff up and leave it alone..... you have nothing better to comment on?
get a life!
Why don't you consider making a POSITIVE contribution to the discussion board for a change?
I am so sick of these useless, negative threads... if you want to beat up on someone, try doing it in RL!
I am no more a fan of Rick Fearon (who?) than anyone else, but YOU are just as much a destructive influence as him,,, if not more.
We get it, okay?
I like Rick.
Why the negativity.
I have to second what talesin posted. Let's be positive.
The key point is not everyone will agree to the best way to release the captives of the watchtower but that is okay. Rick has done a great deal of effort to help people. To each his own method. Not everything works the same with every person.
What are you on about allcool . . . his last thread was 3 days ago.
This looks a bit OCD . . . might pay to give it a rest.
he is still posting on his last thread, that is what I was talking about.
Okay, I will give it a rest little bit.
Good idea to give it a rest... Honestly, posting a "reminder" is pretty much just dredging it all up again. We're all adults here (for the most part...some of us don't act like it very often), we don't need "reminders". This isn't the fucking Kingdom Hall with it's constant "Local Needs" and "Reminders" in the announcements every week. We get it. You don't like Rick. Many others agree with you. I personally despise his methods and feel he'd find better success with a different approach. But enough is enough with the Rick Bashing. Quit trying to make everyone jump on the "Let's All Ignore Rick" bandwagon.
Until such time as SIMON decides he shouldn't be a member of this board, each of us has the right to decide whether or not to open or comment on Rick's threads. If YOU personally don't like him or what he has to say, YOU ignore him. Stop trying to "encourage" everyone else to see things your way and do what you want us to do.
If you REALLY wanted to be kind, you could start a thread with positive things about the work he does and make SUGGESTIONS on how to make it better and more palatable to others. You know, constructive criticism. Maybe he won't listen. Maybe he will. But to continue bashing just solidifies the persecution complex we ALL had at one time. In other words YOU'RE NOT HELPING. Leave the man alone. If you don't want to hear from him, resist that itch in your finger to click on his threads and open them. RESIST THE ITCH, I SAY!!!
That said, I don't like Rick's methods, and I'm not so sure how I feel about him as a person... But what I like LESS is when there are a shitload of bullies on the playground picking on the "weird" kid. Ignore him if you don't like him. I've been trying like hell to do so.