I heard a saying: "The Bible isn't a map for a journey- it is the journey." It's just a record of (mainly Jewish) thoughts about God. And that's where it begins and ends. The Bible can only teach us about the beliefs of people in the Middle East many thousands of years ago.
What Does the Bible Really Teach?
by admirmitch 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
firslt the bible is not about god. the ot is about a small nation judea and its constant problem with bigger more powerful nations. god and religion is just a tool of the king and priests to control the masses who do the work andndying in battle.
to think that judea is the promised land is a joke. have a look at it, its half desert. there are countless better presents or homelands god should have told the jews about.
the concept of a chosen people is also absurd. why would god make such a promise to one man, and completelynignore the remainder mof humanity.
im going to aeguemthat the kings a priests themselves dont actually believe in god or hismretributions for sinning. it always seems that the king or hero gets aqay enoughnof the time while common people always get zapped first time.
continuing my lastbthought, im thinkning of king david vs uzziah the guy whondied for stopping the ark from hitting the ground. take a look at all the other heroes, they always get a swcond chance. take alook at samsung, he was wjoring with the philistines.
and then we heare the philstines manage to steal the ark, how is that possible.
Somewhere in his huge body of writings, CS Lewis wrote about the misuse of the word "really".
It's become a weasel word, and is widely used manipulatively, just as in the title of this wreched little book. It hints at truth, lulls the critical senses, and may, in context, give lies.
Note the title of a propaganda site purporting to give the truth of what is "really" the truth of world events.
Draw your own conclusions as to where it "really" hails from.
PS: I didn't want to give such a site a direct clickable link!