Hey bioflex!
Religionists, like the Watchtower and their followers, focus on practices and doctrinal beliefs. The aim is to be right with God. They fail in this since we cannot put ourselves right with God. We cannot earn, deserve or pay for a righteous standing with God, according to scripture. Matthew 24 is a good description of the outward self-righteousness and inner rottenness of religion and religionists (Pharisees).
Paul explains in scripture that if we desire to achieve and prove our own righteousness, nothing short of perfection will do - something no human can achieve. Therein the failing of setting up a moral code with the aim of proving that we deserve or have earned a right standing with God (moralism).
Believers (persons of faith) on the other hand accept the free gift of IMPUTED righteousness (justification), holiness (sanctification), perfection, sinlessness and sonship. This aspect of the gospel or "good news" is described in Romans 3 and 4. Religionists are specifically and deliberately blinded to this simple truth as per 2 Corinthians 4:4. An inner regeneration by Holy Spirit follows which actually and automatically makes it easier for the believer to live a more moral life.
This antithetical (exact opposite) distinction (of legalism versus Christian faith) was made in g79 6/8 pp. 27-28, most likely by Raymond Franz.
This is more than just of academic interest. Religionists are apostate (spiritual unfaithfulness, adultery, fornication, prostitution). Religionists are lying when they call dissenters or conscientious objectors apostates.
BTW the "god of religion" is Satan who transforms himself into an angel of light and is the ultimate sponsor of all Watchtower aberration. The "God of Abraham" is Yaweh/Jesus. They do not have any earthly organisation, but rather a direct relationship with each and any believer. They (unlike the Watchtower) do not call us to measure up or clean up, but to come as we are and be transformed from within on the journey. Religionists actively reject this call and hence cannot legally be transformed - hence all the Watchtower failures, abuses, deception and cover-ups.