What makes JW's think all is "Truth" now ?

by Phizzy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    LoL, I'm getting in all my giggles here today.

  • exwhyzee

    No one stays with a religion unless they think it's The Truth . They always think God agrees with whatever they happen to believe in and no one predicts that the end of the world will come in someone else's lifetime....it's always gonna' come in thier lifetime....and it's gonna happen any day now. It's what keeps them going most of the time.

  • Honesty

    1. Because the FDS says it is truth.

    2. If you have any doubts about that, see # 1.

  • transhuman68

    I think a lot of the 'true believers' have complete trust in those guys in Brooklyn, so it doesn't matter what mistakes were made in the past, or what mistakes are being made now...eventually the GB will bring home the bacon. Doctrine changes are made subtly and infrequently, so it looks like mistakes are being ironed out- when in fact, it is just one failure after another.

  • Ding

    As with many other terms, the WTS has its own definition of "truth."

    Whatever the WTS says is "the truth" until the GB changes it.

    Then the "new light" is "the truth."

    But the "old light" doesn't become falsehood.

    It just fades away...

  • Sulla

    I would suggest it works something like this: It feels true. It feels true the way all conspiracy theories feel true; if you've ever bought in to one, you know what I mean. In very general terms, it fits and expands on some attitudes or suspicions you already have and it connects several strands of this thought together in one, sorta coherent, whole. It's lunacy: everything proves everything else. But that's the mechanism.

  • 00DAD

    Phizzy: C.T Russell was, they admit 90% wrong.

    Probably more like 100%. What do JW's still believe that he taught? Not much!

    designs: After 100 years of refinement all you have left is pure Gold

    Pure is right, but I was thinking of pure something else ... something more in a shade of brown!

    It's shit and they know it!

  • bigmouth

    "As soon as I heard it, I just knew it was the Truth". How many times have I heard someone say this !?

    If gut feeling is all you need, why bother researching anything ?

    If you're already emotionally invested in the religion, then to risk finding out anything you don't like must be terrifying.

  • soft+gentle
  • snare&racket

    The same think that makes Muslims believe its all truth now...

    and Evangelists....

    and Baptists......

    and Protestants...

    and Mormons.....

    and Scientologists......

    and Conspiracy Talk Show hosts.....


    It often feels like its only me and the anient Mayans that dont think the world is that bad...or ending.

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