The bible Cannon great article I found

by nugget 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nugget

    not sure how to make this clickable but it is well worth a read and is nice and short.

  • cantleave
  • Tater-T

    good read thanks for posting!!!!

  • nugget

    thanks for making it clickable

  • garyneal

    It drew some of the same conclusions I drew about the witnesses. If indeed the Light TM was getting brighter and hence why they had to provide their own translation, why did they not look for other books that may have been thrown out? Did not Holy Spirit lead these men to find real truths?

    Of course, the real answer to this is that if they did start adding or taking away books from the Bible, they would immediately be dismissed by the larger Christian community.

  • Phizzy

    The article is not bad, if a little biased in a way that I sympathise with. It is a pity when presenting this kind of thing that someone is not assigned to proof read and remove the typos, they take away from the impact and make it look as if it were produced by amateurs.

    This may sound like pedantry, but I know from past experience that many do not look on as authoritive something with typos in.

    The points made by the article are generally good, if not totally accurate, and come as a shock to most JW's and to many Christians, they have never thought about the provenance of the Bible, they just accept that it is the word of god and has come down to us more or less in tact.

    The great Terry on here has pointed out many times that we do not have autograph copies of the books, all we have is a translation of copies of multiple copies.

    The earliest copy we have is from the 300's AD.

    We have no way of knowing what changes and errors have been introduced.

    The Bible , (the established canon), and the deutero- canonical books too ,have no provenance.

    To base life and death doctrines on something of this doubtful provenance is foolish, to be kind, or bordering on lunacy to be more accurate.

  • cantleave

    they just accept that it is the word of god and has come down to us more or less in tact .

    Phizzy, Intact is one word not two - sorry being pedantic!!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Bordering on lunacy sounds fine with me.

    Let's get on with it!

  • Sulla

    The gnostic gospels were suppressed well before Constantine, mostly by fellows like Irenaeus of Lyon who understood that those works were spitting on the victims of the fierce persecutions of Christians by Rome. The JWs, of course, already are dismissed by the larger Christian community; had they been thinking, they would have considered adopting the gnostic gospels, in general, since those works are far more consistent with the JW approach.

  • cantleave

    Well I think everyone knows my opinion on the "Holy Scriptures", if you put any trust in them you have to be crazy!

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