I practically lived in the Second Avenue Deli in Manhattan, which was located on Second Avenue, a few blocks from home. The East Village's remaining character is small Slavic restaurants with pierogies, etc. from church groups. I have eaten at Ukrainian and POllish festivals.
I ate an Indian Krishna restaurants in Ithaca, NY. The food was abysmal.
The Second Avenue Deli is the best deli in all of NYC. It is better than the Stage, the Carnegie, Katz, and Junior's. Jews don't proslyetise. The deli owner was murdered during a bank deposit run. The family relocated to Carnegie Hill but it is still called the Second Avenue Deli. The food is worth hours of driving.
Also, there is semi famous place called The Ukrainian National Home. It is packed.
These restaurants just happen to have religoius owners. There are many Mennonite restaurant owners here. The food is deplorable. Certain nationalities have better food than others. I love Italian and French. Some Britsh food.
What if the restaurant you frequent is owned by religoius people and you don't know. Maybe some secret antiWitness prayers are said over the food. You would never know.
Oh, St. Bart's in Manhattan, a large forward society church, had a cafe on its premises. It was a very popular brunch/lunch destination. Awesome food.