Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh#t, and knowing you're sh#t.
by freetosee 22 Replies latest social humour
a lot of people don't know they're shit yet still claim to know their shit
i know enough shit to know that theres a hell of alot of shit that i know nothing about.
still thinking
I think I can clarify that for you Azazel....
still thinking
IE9 Wizard? try pushing the compatability button
Wizard of Oz
G'day one and all. 1st. post ever anywhere. ASL: 60years young, male, the land of Oz.
I am mentally deranged secular collateral damage in the GC undertaken by WBTS.
My life used to be shit, sometimes I take shit; as opposed to taking a shit.
I identify as a Heathen i.e. one who does not follow established religions, according to my trusty dic-shun-ary.
Maybe sometimes I'll talk a lot of shit. I'll catch yaz on the posts if I can get this to work.
Thanks for the tip still thinking
Welcome Wizzy !
from Phizzy. (who don't know shit)
g'day wizard nice to met you, & welcome to looney town LOL
still thinking
You're welcome Wizard...Welcome to the forum we will chat to anyone here....even aussies...LOL
Looking forward to hearing more shit from you I love the fact that it was this thread that inspired you to make your first post.