The process to remove an elder?

by A question 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • A question
    A question

    Can anyone here with personal experience relate examples of how an elder was removed?

    What were the reasons? How did he react? How did other publishers feel about the result? etc.

  • 00DAD

    Try a crowbar and some TNT

  • xchange

    Took us three meetings and lot of bluster from one of the elders making the decision. For this guy, the reasons were essentially that the congregation did not 'respect' him anymore. In truth, he was domineering, dogmatic demagogue who made life a pain in the ass for everybody.

    He did not take the removal well as it did take three meetings to oust him. Everyone in the congregation was elated. He and his family soon left for other greener pastures.

  • truthseeker1969

    There was one elder who served for many years but was eccentric and always looked unwashed and unkempt. i remember a new PO as they were called them coming in and ousting him. broke the mans heart as he was well loved for his ways and knew his stuff, he was made a MS but refused if i remember right.

    They should be keeping what they have since no one wants to be an elder anymore

  • trancy211

    Try a crowbar and some TNT?

    Yup, it might worth a try

  • 00DAD

    Bribe two people to falsely accuse him of being a pedophile ... oh, no that won't work.

  • tif21
  • tif21
  • Iamallcool

    tif, try google chrome

  • ldrnomo

    The process is quite simple really.

    The elder body votes and if the majority is for removal, it happens

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