My wife is more into the "Truth" than I ever was. I am on a very slow Fade. A friend of my wife comes by sometimes and studies the My Book of Bibble Stories with the Kids and I get very annoyed at some of the images that are shown in there. Things that I think young children under the age of 6 should not be exposed to such as: When my son saw this picture, he was shocked and asked why that man was going to kill that baby with a knife?
My Book of Bibble Stories, Images I DON'T WANT MY CHILDREN TO LOOK AT
by Zordino 10 Replies latest jw friends
Or this one.
There are many more inapropiate images such as a nephlim holding a woman by her neck as if to be strangling her. I believe if this type of imagery is continually shown to small children, it would be very unhealthy to say the Least.
White Dove
It's to drive the fear of disobedience out of little kids.
Those images scared me, alright, and I was 9 when the book came out in '78.
The one that I hated, besides this one, showed Able in a big pool of blood.
The Bible really is rated "R" for violence.
White Dove, you're exactly my age. I'm a 69er too! And yes, the book in meant to scare kids.
Suppose I were to watch this kind of violence in a movie, known to be fiction, as an adult. The hounders would have a cow. Yet, children are exposed to this rubbish, portrayed as reality (which is even worse, since they are being taught that they will die if they do not obey). The baby killing was supposed to be to settle an argument about who belongs to it--they wanted to give each party half a baby--the real owner, out of protecting it, would surrender the baby to the other side so it will at least live.
Still, not something you want your children to be exposed to--and yes, it comes right out of the Bible.
This book is aimed at young children...'their very own bible stories book'
When this book was released at an assembly my little sister got her very own copy, however when looking at it with her I could not believe the page after page of graphic violent imagery it contained.
I felt truly at odds with the borg & destined for destruction because of being critical & unappreciative of 'all the hard work' gone into publishing the book.
'My Book Of Bible Stories' is visually very unsuitable for young children.
breakfast of champions
"cut the baby in half!"---- obviously wisdom from god!
Horrible book. An embarrassment. Can't believe they haven't updated this to reflect the more PC times.
Breakfast of Champions...
Have you watched the 2010 WT DVD "Faith In Action" ? ... really gruesome stuff... several photos of dead bodies scattered on the battle field were shown... and this is supposed to be friendlier than a Rated-G movie... I can only conclude that the WT writing dept is either completely clueless or outright deliberate when they select images for their propaganda...
I was grown by the time of the bible story book...but this one scared the crap out of me and my brother.