The mind boggles: The Australian Government / Victorian government is held up to ridicule by people all over the world for failing to prosecute the WTB&TS, eg.Jehovahs Witnesses, for refusing to obtain Working With Children Checks over a period of three years,in spite of the various agencies offering to give advice and assistance over that period of time to obtain one. They arrogantly refused any such help. Today we learn that the Dept.Of Prosecutions has taken over the case with the intent to dismiss this case because it`s" not in the public interest." Well I`ll be buggered,!!! the protection of children in the state of victoria is not in the public interest??. Why did not the police act for the protection of children ? Why in the world did all these other organizations take out WWC Checks, spending thousands of dollars to do so,when the WTB&TS gets off scott free for not complying for over three years ? If I were you I would be asking for my money back.This is a blight on the judiciary of Australia/Victoria enhancing the view that the law is an ass. Beleive you me this case has attracted world wide attention.