THANK YOU Steven Unthank

by cedars 141 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cedars

    shepherds - it's a polite request, that's all. Out of common courtesy, I was hoping that critics such as yourself would confine their speculation to threads that have been started on that subject, of which at least one remains. You can also start up a new thread, and if the mods decide to close that down you can take the issue up with them, not me.

    I'm certainly not laying down rules, I'm just politely asking that people leave this thread to those who wish to express gratitude. I regret that you lack the decency to respect others' wishes, even though you clearly have strong feelings on the subject.


  • shepherd

    This is a discussion forum in case you have forgotten. I understand it's easy to forget since there are ones who think they own the place and put down anyone who says something they don't like. I don't lack decency at all. I don't even like swearing, but I also refuse to be squashed by cyberbullies.

    I thank Unthank for his efforts. I do not agree with his dubious publicity methods. I don't believe his explanation but he has apologized and that's good. I don't so much have strong feelings on the case as have strong feelings that this forum has too few mods.

  • Azazel

    again shepherd your real easy to find , i just follow my goat senses and here you are bagging shit on Steve again. You say people are bullies well

    Listen to others and post your concerns on the other thread thats taking a "close" look at Stevens actions.

    diamondiiz that sun drawing is a peice of pizz for little atrists. We used to do it with our kiddies when they were little (under 5) I cut out of some thin plywood a few different sized holes and we would place that over paper and the kids could finger paint and they would make planets, the sun , faces etc . Tineye reverse image is a good site to check an image on.


  • shepherd

    Azazel Frak off. If you had bothered to read my posts you would see I said nothing at all out of place and even thanked Unthank for his efforts. I even put it in bold so you would notice it. Do I need to use a larger font as well?

  • Azazel

    " i dont like swearing" im glad i can make you do something you dont like to do.

  • shepherd

    hehe, I must admit it felt good too. I prefer the posting guidlines were enforced, but for some reason they are not. I really do think Unthank did a good thing by getting the JWs to comply with the law there. I think he made mistakes too, same as sizemik stated, and I see no reason to back down from saying it.

  • Azazel

    fair call shepherd good night mate.


  • maisha

    Steven Unthank, is to be commended in all his efforts. Well done Steven....

    Why make issue out of a small thing. The man took it to them in their face!,...

    His clarity of thought, way with words was excellent!. the whole world held its breath waiting for the next outcome...

    Show some respect to the man for these efforts.

    sometimes things are ugly,,, a picture, words, emotions need to be expressed...

    if you have permission to use the image,, use it!,.,, SHOW PEOPLE WHO IS BEING HURT...

  • Alfred


  • yourmomma

    The above thread, which is now locked, contains much of the unbridled speculation and cynicism pertaining to the minutae of the events surrounding the case and its closure. If you want to brief yourself on what's been said these past couple of days, then this would be a good reference point. However, you'll need a strong stomach, because (as I've said previously on this thread) it contains the ramblings of posters who have dragged this forum to its lowest depths since I've been posting here.

    Cedars, what you posted above is not helping and is just further stoking the fire. im trying to walk away from this thing, and then i see cyberjesus post clear evidence of a major contradiction in steven unthanks story (from a transscropt posted by another member) about the sun picture from the conference call and what he posted on his site. (and im not even bringing up the evidence he posted that the picture has been photoshopped) the response? one poster responds with basicly that the ends justify the means, and we make her sick, and then a thread locking, and then i come here and read the above from you, who up to this point have refrained from talking about us like that. so in the face of unthank caught misrepresenting now a second picture, its still the same response, we who bring this to light, among other things, are supporters of covering up child abuse, are "rambling" and have "dragged this forum to its lowest depths since i have been posting here."

    how can we hold a member of the ex-jw community to a lesser standard of honestly than we hold the watchtower? is it really the case that if an ex-jw takes on the watchtower in court they are allowed to engage in misrepresentation? (notice im trying to not use the term lie because i am trying to keep this as calm as possible). no matter how many insults there are going to be, this is not something i can just be quiet about, its not right. it is not right for unthank to misrepresent things on his site, no matter what his stature in the ex-jw community is.

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