Oh gosh, this reminds me of when my mother went nutzoid over cat food -- writing letters to the cat food companies to make sure that the "by-products" did not contain blood. Sheer nuttiness.
JWs Aren't Supposed To Give Blood Or Blood By Products To Their Pets
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
Past National Dog Champions become blood donors in their golden years.
This is so cool! All the evil, blood sucking mosquitos will obviously die a well-deserved death at Armegeddon. I'd never thought of that.
Oh gosh, this reminds me of when my mother went nutzoid over cat food -- writing letters to the cat food companies to make sure that the "by-products" did not contain blood. Sheer nuttiness.
Is it any wonder people think JWs are all psycho?
Buy Kosher cat food.
Next thing you know, Dubbies will be bringing pets to the assemblies to be baptized...................geesh, I'm so glad I'm out of that insanity.
I notice that the only scriptural justification for this silliness comes from the Mosaic law, there is nothing said about having to pour out blood in the N.T
Much of the N.T is Paul's teaching on how to not worry about the Law, and how Christ brought to an end the necessity to carry out all its details, he even says, in effect , don't worry about food not bled as per Jewish methods, eat it anyway.
Paul showed that Christians are not under the Law, or indebted to the law in any way. (See Leo's excellent exegesis of Rom. chap 7 on the other thread)
How can the WT make up rules, or worse really, re-institute a law that the Bible clearly says is defunct ?
They should really observe the whole of the Mosiaic law if they don't believe Paul, starting with observing Passover on the correct day !
JWs still want to incorporate the Old Law into their brand of "Christianity".