WEll someone is lurking on this thread right now and changing things as this thread keeps going....
Holy shit! I can't believe it!
Who owns that website?
by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
WEll someone is lurking on this thread right now and changing things as this thread keeps going....
Holy shit! I can't believe it!
Who owns that website?
I'm calling bullshit. This bloke is at the very least an idiot.
This is just getting too weird for words...didn't Unthank actually say this was a pencil drawing of the rape victim?
EDIT: yes, he did:
"The above pencil drawing is an image of a young child in the Traralgon Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses that was recently raped by a fellow member of the church."
Yes he did, James. And there are a couple of other threads that carry a copy/paste of the original jwnews.net post.
(EDIT: No offense meant to the OP of this thread or any others whose hearts impelled them - out of good motive - to start those threads.)
...as for Steven Unthank...
Shamus: WEll someone is lurking on this thread right now and changing things as this thread keeps going....
I don't want to turn this into a witch hunt but has anyone heard from [edited by SBC] lately?
No freakin way is that a childs drawing of the sun either, looks like a petri dish...
I thought it was me... I went to the website and couldn't find the picture. I saw the ball of yarn/sun/thingy but not the child. Figured I was looking in the wrong place.
But, lo and behold...
Who owns JW news.net? That's not affiliated with him, is it?
Owned and operated by STEVEN UNTHANK himself: