Do You Believe Abortion Is Wrong? Should It Be Against The Law?

by minimus 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I think it is murder but not always a sin. I wouldn't judge others in there views.

    I kinda think Birth Control should be easier and cheaper and education needs to be better. Some people should just get fixed before they reach that age, but I've been told that would be crule

    Personaly I know of a few that had abortions and didn't regret it and I know of one that did regret it.

    If I knew that my child had a painful, lifethreatening disease I'd consider it. If I would die I'd consider it. If I got raped I'd have it but give it up for adoption.

    But then again you don't know what you would do till that bridge is crossed

    Legal - yes it should be legal with guidlines

  • minimus

    I don't think abortion should be outlawed. I think abortion is taking the life of an unborn child. I think it's probably "wrong" from a biblical standpoint but I think I'd justify it under certain circumstances.

  • ziddina



    And that means, bringing back SEX EDUCATION in school - including PUBLIC, PRIVATE, and "Kreeeeeeeestian" schools...

    At both the High-school AND Junior-High levels... And quite possibly starting as early as THIRD grade...

  • ziddina
    "I wonder why the practice of abortion is never specifically addressed in any scripture? It existed. It has existed for quite a while, only the means have changed. And yet---not a word. The Mosaic law offers no specific punishment, or even mention, of the practice of abortion.
    Jesus didn't address abortion either. It would seem he left it up to the individual---in other words---pro-choice. ...." New Chapter

    The Israelites' god - and the Jewish god - practiced abortion....

    "He" just waited - or is waiting - until the fourth trimester to kill the babies...

  • ziddina

    Oh, and by the way...

    The "morning after" pill DOESN'T "abort" ANYTHING, because it can take anywhere from 48 hours to 72 hours - or MORE - for the sperm to FIND the egg....

    The "morning after" pill flushes the egg out BEFORE it is fertilized....

  • aquagirl

    Ms Jones.I hope to meet you some day.I like your way of putting things..We dont always agree,but I think you are pretty cool...

  • NewChapter

    The morning after pill can prevent implantation if fertilization has been achieved. It's just a stronger dose of a birth control pill, and works along the same lines.

    Nancy Pelosi was on Colbert last night, and she said that for years she has been telling people that the pro-life movement has another agenda---which is anti-birth control. I think we are seeing that come out now. This idea that at the moment of fertilization something happens, and there is another life just isn't supported. It hasn't even implanted yet. Sure the components are there, but there is a great deal more that needs to happen.

    Do you know a fertilized egg can even implant---but never develop beyond that? It's called a blighted ovum. So clearly, having all the components does not necessarily a baby make. But it can make a pregnancy. Would it be wrong to do an abortion for that woman? Why or why not? All of the components are there.


  • cofty

    NC - I agree. The assertion that a new human being comes into being at the instant of fertilisation has more to do with religious bias than biology.

    Nancy Pelosi was on Colbert last night, and she said that for years she has been telling people that the pro-life movement has another agenda---which is anti-birth control.

    I want to come back to my earlier point about birth control. A secondary mechanism of the mini-pill and the IUD is to prevent the implantation of a fertilised egg. Many of those who insist that a zygote is a human life fail to behave in a consistent way in this regard. I wonder if its because they will never know how many times their birth control aborted a zygote whereas abortion, even at a very early stage, involves a deliberate decision and action.

  • tec

    NC - I agree. The assertion that a new human being comes into being at the instant of fertilisation has more to do with religious bias than biology.

    I have said that I am trying to look at this from a scientific pov. I keep asking the question though, about when? What are your suggestions?

    There are lots of things to choose from:

    First breath?

    First heartbeat?

    Brain activity ( I considered this today, when thinking about the opposite... brain death)?


    Many other things that I can't think of?

    I want to come back to my earlier point about birth control. A secondary mechanism of the mini-pill and the IUD is to prevent the implantation of a fertilised egg. Many of those who insist that a zygote is a human life fail to behave in a consistent way in this regard. I wonder if its because they will never know how many times their birth control aborted a zygote whereas abortion, even at a very early stage, involves a deliberate decision and action.

    This is inconclusive (at least regarding the birth control pill). There is no scientific evidence that it does prevent implantation of a fertilized egg (if I have been reading all of these information threads on the pill correctly). The scientific community only has to admit that it is possible, in the face of no evidence.

    Now had I known of this possibility, I would not have used the pill way back when. I think that is why people are getting more vocal about the fact that there is NO evidence that the pill does prevent implantation if fertilization occurs. I would never have considered the morning after pill for the same reason.



  • mrsjones5

    "Ms Jones.I hope to meet you some day.I like your way of putting things..We dont always agree,but I think you are pretty cool..."

    Thank you Aquagirl.

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