Have you heard this skit, about the family that decided to stay home from meeting. Instead of attending the T.M.S. and Book Study, they stayed at home to watch the TV. The urban legend goes on to relate, the weak family's child was playing ball in the street, and was hit by a "Bus, Car, Train" and died. Sister pioneer, will comment "Oh, If only this family had went to meeting, their child would still be alive!" There are lots of stories, "Home Invasions on Meeting Night" sister "stay at home" was raped, "She would not have been violated, if she had not cancelled her Field Service part." What are local legends about "Not missing meetings" in your area? The sad part, is the brother or sister, who is able to give these comments, with a smile "Don't Miss Meetings, Or Else".
"The Family Who Missed Meeting, And Their Child Was Hit By A Bus"
by Bubblegum Apotheosis 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Crisis of Conscience
Sorry about the blank post. I meant to say that then you have the other side.
There were those in the country of Georgia, who if they just would've stayed home from the meeting, would've escaped the multiple beatings delivered by the angry religious mob.
Bubblegum Apotheosis
They consider that "Hazing", if it happens at the Kingdom Hall! Using logic, does not work with people, who think "Georgia" is located near the State of Florida.
And there was a shooting in the 1960s in the KH where I attended a few years later. No one killed, but a slight injury.
More tragic was the stabbing death of a Brooklyn Bethelite who was working at night in his assigned job...in the 1970s as I recall.
Of course in these instances it's always 'Satan's attacks' or some such thing, but never 'Don't you wish you hadn't been there so this wouldn't have happened?'
What about the family that missed a boasting session and missed getting involved in the 92 car pile-up on the road in front of the Kingdumb Hell? Or, they missed field circus, when someone with a gun showed up and shot everyone at that meeting? Or, they missed a boasting session (in the Middle East) the same evening some Muslims got tired of the witlesses and blew up the Kingdumb Hell to prevent others from falling for the cancer? Or a Kingdumb Hell fire when everyone was at the REJECT Jesus Party, where there was a major electrical failure and all the exits were simultaneously blocked and no one got out--except the one family that missed it?
And, numerous smaller incidents. Such as someone getting into an accident while out in field circus because of a drink driver. Or on their way to the Kingdumb Hell, they hit a tree because they were too tired to drive safely. Or someone making it to the Kingdumb Hell sick, only to drop dead when they would have survived with a trip to the hospital or without any incident had they stayed home. And let's not forget the times when someone gets shot at the door, falls down a stairs heading for a door, gets attacked by a dog while going door to door, or catches tuberculosis because they enter the wrong house while in field circus. You never hear of those stories at the Kingdumb Hell.
wha happened?
Or the Bethelite who was speeding on the way to bookstudy and got into a horrendous accident as the result of his reckless driving.
I really hated those stories even when I was in. I hated how they were so fanciful. It almost sounded like a comic book
I don't know about JW urban legends, but I do know of an incident in the SF Bay Area in which a young woman was out in FS with a group of local JWs. They were working some territory that had steep roads and hillsides, and the car got too close to the edge. She was killed in the accident. I believe that she also had a child. This all happened in the 1980s, so my memory of it is pretty hazy, but I recall at the time wondering why Jehovah couldn't manage to protect the life of this woman, when he was so quick to provide a nice automobile to use out in field service for the 'sister' who cheated with my husband (or so she claimed--about the car, that is).
I've heard this 'bus' story before at a meeting. JW urban legends are pretty funny lol. My wife told me of one that was popular in Mexico (she grew up over there) Supposedly one day these sisters started a bible study with a lady. At the end of the study the lady asked if this was really the true religion of God. The sisters responded that yes it is. The lady wasn't satisfied with the answer but she didn't say anything. After the study the lady had to go out for something. She had to drive down a hill. (Now in Mexico, roads on hills are not protected with any barriers so if you go down, you're dead.) This lady apparently went off the road and her car went flying down the hill when suddenly it stopped. She looked in her rearview mirror and saw two big men pulling her car up back to the road. She returns home and immediately calls the sister she studies with and relates what happened to her and is convinced this is the truth.
finally awake
In my former hall, there is a sister whose husband was killed in a car accident returning home from an assembly in November 2006. SHe and another passenger survived (barely), and she still has medical problems related to her injuries. They weren't assigned to that assembly, but they went in order to see a relative get baptized.
Another girl, a born in who wasn't baptized, skipped the Sunday session of the circuit assembly and died on her way home from work. It's thought she went into sudden cardiac arrest and crashed her car. Many people said if she'd been at the circuit assembly instead, she'd have maybe survived because they had AED devices at the assembly facility and it was only a few blocks from a good hospital instead of having to wait for a Lifeflight helicopter. That was in June 2005.