My parent's though that Real Estate agents were disloyal to Jehovah because by selling houses in today's "system of things" they were really saying they did not believe that armageddon was coming. This belief lasted until my Uncle became a real estate agent (he was once the loudest critc)
Wacky Witness Parent Rules
by breakfast of champions 19 Replies latest jw friends
fortis et liber
Um, let's see... here's a ridiculous one: I remember as a teenager my sister-in-law snatching a fashion magazine out of my hand so that she could censor it first. She briskly flipped through page after page dramatically ripping out any salacious material, all under the watchful eye and nodding approval of my santimonious mother.
I could not read Harry Potter and this was when the Harry Craze was starting in the Late 90's. I als could not watch Scooby doo or Dragon Ball Z which I did not like anyway.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Like good little witlesses we weren't allowed to celebrate anything, but somehow allowed to accept birthday and Christmas money from our unbelieving grandparents.
I’m still scratching my head about that one.
Star Trek was off limits. We still watched it in secret when we could.
Anything disney because it had magic. I heard of one sister who's mom wouldn't let her look at Dr. Suess books, because in her words "he was obviously on drugs when he wrote them"
No WWF wrestling because it is violent
No "transformers" because they were violent
Remember the matchbox cars that you could crash into teh wall and then the front bumper would flip around displaying a bashed up side instead? Well....those were off limits too
No magic
Music from boys taht looked like girls was frowned upon but we were still able to listen. (this was the 80s....what guy band didn't look like girls?)
No Michael jackson because he was apostate
No smurfs because of teh JW rumor that smurfs were demonic
no organized sports
Amelia Ashton
We had a sister who inflicted her very limiting conscience on the rest of us.
No Disney, no Madonna, no trolls, no perfume, no ankle chains, no smiley face key rings, no air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror, no colouring pencils for little ones at meetings, no sweets before or after meetings in the hall. When we got our new hall with a kitchen she believed having a cup of tea in the hall was disrespectful to jehovah. She got squashed on that one but she pretty much ruled the roost.
No unicorns, they are demonic. I used to love unicorns when I was a little girl. My Mom was completely against them. She even went as far as to cut the horn off of a my little pony. Luna