The hardcore may follow it, but from my now limited association with what few dubs I see or care to see, the mainstream JWs are prepping their kids for higher education. And not just tech school or community college...I mean 4 year university, away from home, living on campus schools. I know an elder's daughter who went to a well respected state university...and he is still an elder in good standing in the congregation.
The higher education stance has to have the average JW eat up with cognitive dissonance. They hear it preached all the time: higher educatoin a waste of time, money and effort. Pioneering or Bethel are the more desirable career choices. And they'll nod their heads and cluck their tongues in aggreement with the WTS about the state of the world, but when Jr and Missy hit high school, they start to try to figure out how to get them in college.