'I'll be back'...............
What are your favourite movie lines/quotes????
by karter 183 Replies latest jw friends
More from Tombstone:
"Go ahead. Skin it... Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens!"
"You gunna do somethin', or just stand there and bleed... "
"Yes, it's true you are a good woman. But then again, you may be the anti-Christ."
" Why, Johnny Ringo! You look like somebody just walked over your grave."
" It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds."
and of course...
" I'm your Huckleberry."
Yes tombstone does rule ... "You'll be a daisy if you do'.... "There's no such thing as a normal life Wyatt, only life"
"Napoleon, don't be jealous I've been chatting online with babes all day"
Crisis of Conscience
Sorry about the blank post. I clicked submit before I pasted the link and now I can't edit. Anyways.....
" Do you know what you're talking about?" "Why, do I sound Like I do?" Clueless
Jack Black!
oh, mang,,, I am thinking of who he is taking off, from the 70s.............. drrrrr
come on, you know it!
TYA,,, yes,, Tombstone has the best .... quotes .... ever!
Wasanelder Once
"William, move your head! Look at the size of that boys heed. I'm not kidding its like an orange on a toothpick" "that kids head is like sputnik, quite spherical but pointy in parts!" Mike Meyers father to his brother William in So I Married an Axe Murderer.