Opportunities seemed to be advertised everywhere when I was a young man, it was hard to decide on one.
Did you miss out on a career opportunity when you were a JW?
by moshe 22 Replies latest jw friends
My father was an entrepreneur that initiated a successful chemical company. He sold the company and accepted a job as a chemist in the company laboratory so he could devote more time to the family and the congregation. Some members of the family (dependents) got disfellowshipped so he had to step down from being an elder. He ended up starting another chemical company, but it wasn't nearly as successful as the first one. He at times hinted to me that he regretted selling the first one.
I know one sister who gave up being a singer in order to go door to door for the watchtower ((ooops, I mean jehovah)).
I really wanted to become a history/english teacher but just did what i was told and got a trade instead. Oh well i can talk history with you as i fix your lights.
In high school I took welding classes and even got some basic certification. My teacher even knew businesses that could hire me right when I graduate (welders make big money!) But I didn't accept it ans ended up part time McDonald's oh those were the days
I know it's easy to say "what could have been..."
But I know of two dubs that were great athetes in high school but wasn't allowed to play.
One was probaby 6'5" and muscular and never became baptised but his dad never let him play sports in high school. I remember him being bitter about it.
He might not have become a pro athlete... but for sure he might have been the college scholarship type.
Another became a dub and was the type that can pick up any ball and do well with it.
St George of England
Yes, but corrected that when I got married by going to Uni. Best move we ever made.
Now retired but comfortable financially, not rolling in it, but had I listened to the WTS we would now be scraping by on Social Security benefits like many in my congregation.
Bungi Bill
In one word - yes.
To be more precise, I actually missed out on several career opportunities at different times. As Moshe has correctly observed, during that era, we were often spoiled for choice!
The Borg was at that time, though, even down on trades (after all, imagine the folly of tying up five years of your life!). As a result, they got me to abandon my apprenticeship after just 12 months. Fortunately, I was able to pick that up again later ; although by then I was married with a family.
This proved to be hard going, but the alternative (i.e. being without a skill) was even worse. Because of family commitments, I had to forgo continuing on and doing the Diploma course; but I did manage to complete a paper in Advanced Trade studies at the end of my apprenticeship. This did not sit too well with some of the more fanatical zealots in the congregation. However, I had learned enough about what was what by then to politely tell them where to go - and what to do with themselves once they got there!
This actually began the start of my fade.
I would have 10 more years of experience as a police officer and I would probably be a police chief by now if I had started my career when I was younger.
My brother and I told them to leave us alone and that we were going to uni. We did! Now he is the head of the computer department for a multimillion pound company in the UK. I am studying counselling and psychology and already have a degree in leadership and management.
I know some who are extremely bitter that they were not allowed better careers!