I've never read Crisis of Conscience. Could someone briefly describe some of his observations that clashed with his moral compass?
Ray Franz - Crisis of Conscience
by Celestial 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
way too many to list here... you're better off reading the book
way too many to list here... you're better off reading the book
"briefly describe some of his observations"
I'll read the book. I'm just inquiring about some key points that stood out in a person's mind.
darth frosty
Its not so much of him saying 'I dont morally agree with this or that' It was more here is what they claimed and here is where they betrayed that claim or position. Example the malawai incident compared to the same scenario in mexico (scenario being brothers in mexico where allowed to get political voting cards to avoid jail while brothers in malawai were encourage to stand up for truth and neutrality and go to jail for their beliefs.)
finally awake
I am reading it right now. The one thing that stands out to me is the fact that witnesses in mexico were allowed to bribe officials to get a military card while not actually participating in the military training, but witnesses in Malawi were required to refuse to buy a party card, even though there was only one party and buying the card was a legal practice in that country. Also, witnesses in the US at the time were expected to go to prison rather than accept alternative service when drafted. It was a hypocritical stance, without any sort of scriptural support for either position. It really bothered Franz, and even though those events happened long ago, they really bother me now as well.
darth frosty... I think you meant to say "military service" cards... just saying...