Who is Koolaid-Man? What is his story?
by TimothyT 26 Replies latest jw friends
The flood gates are open....... My active JW critics and Watchtower operatives will now be glad give you distorted information about me.
I have become the most controversial poster on JWN.
Here we go....
Timothy - there is a "search" option on this forum you know!!
koolaid-man is a cyber terrorist that uses lurid tactics and shock antics to bother people. His website is partially entertaining and somewhat disturbing. It's the kind of web-page you shut down, so you can move on to something else that you can clearly think about.
LOL, I nearly swallowed my ciggy ! Koolaid-man is banging every drum he can find... and you don't even know who he is.... too funny !
Rick, I am NOT a Watchtower operative. If you want proof, telephone Jerome Taylor at The Independent, and ask him whether he's ever heard of "John Cedars". He will vouch for the fact that I was his main source in last year's mentally diseased article. Would a Watchtower operative deliberately instigate a campaign of negative publicity? I very much doubt it.
I'm growing tired of your incessant name-calling towards any who criticize your methods. In demonizing any who oppose you, you adopt frighteningly similar strategies to the very organization you revile.
If you only had the humility to apologise for your deceitful information and insulting behaviour, you would be an invaluable and widely respected member of this forum. The longer you delay in apologizing, and continue to dish out insults, the more unrealistic that eventuality becomes.
Ok ok... so he is on our side? Looking through his website he appears to dislike the WT org. Ok... got it.
Hehe... most conroversial poster? I did notice those Mr Koolaid that some of your posts were a little sensationalised but i wanted to know who are you? Im gonna have a look at your site and see. How did you get to this point? What did the JW org do to you?
Hope to hear from you? :)
Timmy x
Broken Promises
He claims to be a Christian but I find his behaviour very un-Christlike.
Timmy - I think this thread might be a car crash waiting to happen. Whilst I am in no way certain (and I would be happy for Rick to refute this) I have heard it said on other threads that he is a homophobe. Therefore, you may not find him to be quite so forthcoming with your well-intentioned questions.
Oh dear. Lol...
I retract my questions!