I'm going with minimus's answer. He was waiting for someone to answer the door. He's outside knocking, you know.
If the organisation is Jesus' True Church, what was Jesus doing the previous 1900 years or so?
by TimothyT 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
waiting for CT Russell to do some algebra
Loving all the typical 'i couldnt really give a shi*' responses. Keep em comin'!!!
Cant wait for eggnog to tell us the real reason! :)
jesus ismwith us everyday. we all literaly see him everyday and we live in his goodness and light. jesusmismof course tyhe sun!
remember paul seeing a light- yup jesus is the sun.
jesus in the clouds - yup the sun is in the clouds.
jesusnwalking on water - yup the suns reflextion walksmon water.
jesus dies on the cross - yes the sun dies sosn sthe southern cross in the winter solstice. look at any star chart. three days later he is resurrwxted and stsrts to rise upss .