Who were the anointed between 100 and 1879 AD?

by blondie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • freetosee

    I was told by an elder, Constantine was Of the anointed.

    "Constantine was baptized by a man named Eusebius. This man was a false teacher who believed many of the things that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe today. For example, this man believed that Christ was a CREATURE created by God."

    http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/churchhi/church6.htm See Constantine's Baptism


  • iarts

    At a recent District Convention, during one of those scripted Question/Answers items, they said that Isaac Newton was one of the anointed.

    Perhaps they're just picking historical figures at random.

  • freetosee

    iarts: Perhaps they're just picking historical figures at random.

    Not randomly. They pick anyone who had similar believes. Newton was anti-trinitarian. He believed in an Golden Age or Paradise on Earth and in the final judgement after christ 1000 year reign.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    C T Russell called himself the 'Laodician Messenger' His predecessors in this line:





    St John

    St Paul

    The inscription is on his grave stone.


  • Phizzy

    What is theactual connection between all these individuals ? I know some were, but most are just an oddity in there own time, so there is no passing of the mantle from one " FDS member" to another, not if decades or more, and thousands of miles quite often, seperate them.

    This needs filing under "Super Looney teachings of the WT" instead of the file where the rest mostly goes ,mere, "Looney teachings of the WT".


  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Phizzy >>

    Exactly - all those aforementioned individuals are revered be the WTBTS for standing up against the establishment of their time. Now then, let a humble member of the FDS class try to make a differing stance to what the GB class has decreed:

    Burning then, excommunication now!

  • blondie

    We would not be understood as intimating that all the children of Zion have been engulfed in Papacy. No, we believe that all through those dark ages there were members of the little flock who maintained their walk in the narrow way. Some of them were known as Waldenses, Huguenots, etc. This reign of Papacy led to a sad condition of ignorance, superstition and blindness to truth, which was only partially relieved by the great work known as the Reformation. We would not be misunderstood as intimating that the work of the Reformers was little or valueless; on the contrary, we believe theirs was a grand work. Taking the Bible, neglected and prohibited for years, they boldly preached the necessity of taking it as the only rule of faith and practice, and not the creeds of the church, and the result of their preaching was evidently, the development of many noble Christians as well as a general arousing of nominal Zion.

    January 1881 WT R183 p6


  • Sulla

    JW ecclesiology is even more laugable than JW Christology. I mean, then religion is the product of the Smerican Protestant tradition that eschews all but the very loosest possible ecclesiological understanding, with all that implies, right? Then, they try to tack on some bullshit apostolic succession idea, knowing that their claim makes their 607 teaching look like estalished historical fact, in comparison.

    Though, I did have one JW tell me that the martyred Jesuits in Japan may have been anointed. Jesuits! Them people will say anything

  • stillstuckcruz

    Great quotes as alway Blondie!!!

    A couple of years ago(maybe last year) at a District Convention, there was a talk given called "Questions About The Kingdom Answered".

    I took detailed notes on this talk for reference purposes. Here were a few points:

    Were there always annointed ones throughout histroy?

    ---------Yes. Jesus said "all the days until the end of this system..."----Matthew 13:30-"...collect the weeds...""Let both grow together until the harvest". ----------->During 1700's- William Winston rejected the Trinity teaching. Anointed? unknown. There were always anointed ones on Earth since Jesus time.

    Psalms 87:5,6-"Jehovah will record the peoples"[Basically so we don't have to bother explaing away why we can't explain it...]

    --------Does having the names of anointed ones have practical value?-------Brothers should not be judged for professing to have a heavenly calling

    ___________________There were some other points mentioned in the talk that I wish I had taken down now. Crazy teachings. But most won't bat an eye or even be concerned with it. "We can't figure out who those 'anointed' ones were and there's really no need to know." Basically "the organization tells us so....and so it is". THEY HAVE SPOKEN!!!!

  • Terry

    • Agobard of Lyons, Archbishop, France (779-840)
    • Claudius of Turin, Bishop (...–827)
    • Berengarius of Tours, Archdeacon (999–1088)
    • Peter of Bruys, Priest (...-1131)
    • Henry of Lausanne, Monk (...-1148)
    • Pierre Vaudès (Peter Waldo), (1140-1218)
    • John Wycliffe (c. 1330-1384)
    • William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536)
    • Wolfgang Fabricius Capito (1478-1541)
    • Martin Cellarius (1499-1564)
    • Johannes Campanus (c. 1500-1575)
    • Thomas Emlyn (1663-c. 1741)
    • Henry Grew (1781-1862)
    • George Storrs (1796-1879)

    What we have here is an OVERLAPPING anointed!

    It is clear to anyone giving a moment's thought that there has not been a lot of brainpower applied to this idea!

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