819 F. 2d 875 - Paul v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc
by Bangalore 15 Replies latest jw friends
819 F. 2d 875 - Paul v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc
Isn't this the same judge who ruled (or tried to rule) that the phrase "under God" in the pledge of allegiance was unconsititutional???
The defendants have a constitutionally protected privilege to engage in the practice of shunning
Pretty much sums it all up! Never mind about human rights.... and I read the rest of the court report. Is there any hope ~ anywhere?
I know there needs to be protections but, how far? How deep? Is there no constitutional protection of parental support and love? Where did that go?
The greater public understands what these types of cases mean. The public can perform their own shunning when the JWs come knocking on their doors.
For some reason American courts are reluctant to interfere in religious disputes.
they try to keep it separate???? not working
Very interesting case Banga, thanks for posting. Here in the U.K we do not have a Constitution that would automaticaaly preclude the act of shunning from being tortious.
We do however have the Human Rights Act and European legislation which may give the same protection to religions that shun like the WT, I suppose a route that one could go down would be to sue individual JW's for their action, but they may still be protected by the law, I don't know.
I wonder too, if in English law there is any reason why a Court should not rule on the truthfullness of a doctrine, in the U.S this is impossible, but if it were possible here in the U.K it would be good to see the Blood doctrine demolished by law, followed by the shunning doctrine.
dream on Phizzy !
The witlesses get away with ruining people's lives for disagreeing with their doctrine, even when they can use their own Bible to prove it wrong. They get away with washtowel articles that, were anyone else to put out similar articles in those countries, they would go to jail for "hate speech". They get away with scams designed to indebt members needlessly for rubbish projects, redundant fees, and unnecessary personal expenses. They get away with having children doing things that, were they working with another company, they would get raided.
Another institution that gets away with rubbish like this is the Federal Reserve. They, too, get away with things that ordinary citizens would go to jail for committing. The big banks also get away with crimes that would get anyone else a long jail term. I wonder if the UN involvement in 1991-2003 was just one of the many ties the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery currently has with the One World Totalitarian Government. At least King Rothschild doesn't try and hide his involvement in Agenda 21+ behind a religion that pretends to bash the world.
The JWs may celebrate this court "victory", but it's actually just further proof that government has no interest in "turning on religion". The JW prophecy that the UN and the governments are going to destroy religion "very soon" is just another false prophecy. That event was supposed to be the climactic start of the big A. Now they don't even talk about it because even WT knows that they have that one all wrong.
The JWs may celebrate this court "victory", but it's actually just further proof that government has no interest in "turning on religion". The JW prophecy that the UN and the governments are going to destroy religion "very soon" is just another false prophecy. That event was supposed to be the climactic start of the big A. Now they don't even talk about it because even WT knows that they have that one all wrong.
Just quoting BILLY for emphaisis.