The dreaded elder's visit has come and gone. This is a condensed version. It went something like this. E=elder; V=Vidqun.
V: I believe God has withdrawn his spirit from the leadership and congs of JWs because of all the bad things happening. E.g. defective judicial decisions, especially with pedofiles, UN-NGO fiasco, importation of pharasaic type laws, etc.
E: These brothers are not inspired, but guided by holy spirit.
V: To say they were guided by holy spirit would be an affront to the holy spirit. God (or his spirit) should not always be blamed for human cockups.
E: I believe this is God's org. We are the only org. to preach the good news, declare God's name, teach about the kingdom.
V: Yes, the Israelites also were God's chosen nation, until he rejected them.
V: Before the modernday JW came into being, who were the ones spreading Christianity? Where did the JWs get their information from?
E: Quoting Luke 12:41. Faithful steward.
V: Please read on: If the steward starts beating the men and maidservants, he will be punished with the greatest severity (cf. Luk. 12:45, 46). This is made clear by the prophecies, e.g. Ez. 38, 39; Dan. 11:40-45; Zech. 13:7-14:5; Rev. 11:7, 8. God's judgment starts with his own house (2 Pet. 4:17).
E: Hebrews 10:24-26: We are ordered to attend meetings, if not, it could lead to willful sin.
V: I would be very careful to make such an assumption. Not even the Society goes that far. They admit that the forsaking of the meetings and the next verse, sinning willfully, should not be used together. If you believe that, you are deviating from the Society's teachings.
E: Each must decide for himself what to believe.
V: I agree. Please read Rom. 14:12, 13: "So, then, each of us will render an account for himself to God. Therefore let us not be judging one another any longer, but rather make this your decision, not to put before a brother a stumbling block or a cause for falling."
E: We agree to disagree.
V: I have always followed the dictates of my conscience. Nothing has changed.
E: So how must we view you? Usually if one dissociates oneself, one writes a letter.
V: No, I will not be writing a letter. I have others to consider.
Comment: He is quite young. Perhaps that would make him think. He is a young, uber-elder, so I doubt it. Somehow, I don't think he will come alone, next time. Feel free to comment.