I have wondered about this for a long time. What does the bible have to say about it if at all?
What does the WT have to say about transgender people?
by LunaFing 43 Replies latest jw friends
LF- When I was an Elder not much was said or taught to us in the Elder Schools about transgender or hermaphrodite persons. In most cases their response verbally was to advise people live celebate.
Live celebate!? Really? Wow! If a person truly feels like they were born the wrong gender, who are we to say to them that they are wrong? So, they would have to be celebate because any relationship they would have would be "homosextual"? Stupid, narrow minded people! Doesn't the bible teach us not to judge?
Amelia Ashton
To be accepted as "normal" in jdub land mentally they would need to have sex with someone of the same sex as they are in their own head?
But to be homosexual mentally but not physically in dubby land would be acceptable!
Religious people are fun Homosexuality, transgendered persons, even masturbation make conservative religious types cringe. Many here remember the 'Sex advise' issued from the stage at District Assemblies to married couples to refrain from sex at night during the assembly so they would pay better attention to the talks. Seriously!
When you are dealing with Leaders coming from that mentality don't even expect them to know what to do with hermaphrodites.
Doesn't the bible teach us not to judge?
The Bible teaches a bazillion things that JWs, or most Christians for that matter, happily ignore.
On the original topic, JWs would teach that anything outside of vaginal heterosexual sex is "unnatural". If anyone experiences any other sexual urge, including the urge to switch genders, it would be chalked up to "imperfection" at best, an outright "perversion" more likely. "Just wait until the new system when Jehovah will fix you up" would be the advice.
Found Sheep
There was a study in my last hall (didn't last long) boy turned girl that was told she would have to waite till the NS to have a "relationship" once God determines her gender
Yeah, they are so ignorant about a lot of things. Found Sheep: What ended up happening to that person? Did they continue to study with the JW's?
How about if a person is born with both the male and female genitals? Do the Jaydubs reject them and tell the to "Go Screw themselves"? Pun intened
JWs are ill-equipped to deal with anything that falls outside of their narrow-minded view of reality. It is unwise to listen to anything they have to say on these kinds of matters.
I say close your eyes, look within your heart, and place yourself in the other person's shoes. How would you like to be treated if you, yourself, was a hermaphrodite or transgender?