Jehovah's Witnesses - As Objects Of Pity

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I sometimes have to wonder....... if a subtle transition might take place with regard to the general context of being a Jehovah's Witness.

    A transition away from being objects of hatred towards being legitimate objects of pity.

    If this seems far-fetched, consider that some extended Witness families have now drifted into having the next generation gone completely or faking it at best. There are also cases of long term Witnesses being accosted by long term co-workers as to 'what happened, I thought Armageddon was supposed to be here' (and it's been twenty years).

    When you hear a Circuit Assembly condemn college.... or Facebook.... or the Internet......or Vampire Novels, do you ask yourself, "How long can they repeat this stuff?" I don't think the answer is 'indefinitely'. There was a time in which they thought swing music and automobiles back seats and (gasp!) childbearing would lead you away from the "truth"! And then what happened?

    At some point, they just look pathetic and sad. Victims of their own fantasies. Aging, broke, young kids drifting away, often in poor health , frequently with mental health issues, and driven by cult leaders who are distant, greedy and uncaring, they may end up appearing as people to be pitied. As it is, people at the doors often avoid them because their demeanor is painful to encounter - trying to 'sell' religion, door to door, with all the marketing skills of a librarian hermit.

    There was a time - during the Cold War - when it almost felt 'cool' to be a Witness, with nations facing oblivion. It's as if we fit the spirit of the times. No longer so, as the Watchtower hides behind an army of lawyers, does huge real estate deals, dumps long term employees and is clueless about the future, as the world passes them by.

    No, there is no 'Gog of Magog' attack waiting for them as per their fevered dreams. The governments have no impulse to assault anything so irrelevant. Saying otherwise is a sort of doctrinal 'delusion of grandeur'. It is the sad power of Religion to make people believe self centered foolish ness. The Egyptians currently think that they are somehow at the center of the world, rather than a broken country that can't feed itself. The Vatican makes windy pronouncements about World Trends, as if their words meant something or had some power to direct current history.

    In the end, the grandparents who shun today may weaken tomorrow to see the grandchildren they were so eager to see slaughtered at Armageddon. Dying alone in a nursing home, however "faithful" to cult demands, is nothing to be desired or be proud of.

    and the above, as emergent, may be why the reptile-hearted Governing Body keeps up the ranting....


  • Ding

    Who considers JWs as "objects of hatred"?

    The GB has created a fiction in which the whole world hates and persecutes "Jehovah's people."

    In reality, the vast majority of people in the world know nothing and care nothing about the WT religion.

    In areas where the WTS is very active, people may be annoyed at having JWs peddle their religion to their doors, but that falls far short of "hatred" for JWs.

    That said, I do agree with the OP, however, that JWs are victims of the organization.

  • poopsiecakes

    Personally, I feel a great deal of sympathy towards individual JW's. Not to the GB, and not to certain ones who use the religion for arrogant advancement and humiliation of others - they have control issues that are somewhat beyond my scope of kind feelings. But the average witness, including many I still have many fond feelings towards, are truly lovely people and victims of ugly mind control. I have fantasies of trying to wake some of them up in some way but unless a person is ready to really hear the real truth, there's not much someone at a distance can do - it really just makes them dig their heels in even more. They know where I am and they know how to find me and I'll be here with open arms for any of them who really want to talk.


  • exwhyzee

    There was a time - during the Cold War - when it almost felt 'cool' to be a Witness,

    I know what you are saying Metatron but remember, you might be only able to say this because you have the advantage of 20/20 hindsight. During that time period most people.....milions...billions, thought it was anything but "almost cool" to be a JW. It was ourselves or our parents who fell for it....were taken in. The rest of the world didn't.

    Whatever mind set we were in to have thought it to be "almost cool" is the same mindset of many of those that are still "in". Not having the benefit of hindsight, they look at every world event as significant proof that they will never grow old and will live forever. They are falling for it like we did...they haven't seen or lived through the blunders of the past. It's easy for them to dismiss these blunders because to them it's ancient history. History that didn't affect them. Just like when we heard about how they used to celebrate Christmas at Bethel or how they thought they'd be raptured in 1914 or how in the 1920's JW's sold their farms and belongings thinking that the end was coming any day. We didn't see until much later that what happened to them was exactly what was going on with us.

    I feel the same way about JW's now as I do when I see the Mormon boys dressed in black, peddeling their bikes in the rain. I feel such sorrow for them and I'm touched, in a way, that there are still such trusting individuals around in this day and age that they would actually go along with something so transparent as this arrangement.

  • Tater-T

    great post metatron.. i pity the fools... too tired to comment but enjoyed the read and both subsequent takes..

  • LV101

    Ditto the great post --- sad, indeed.

  • GLTirebiter
    Personally, I feel a great deal of sympathy towards individual JW's ... I have fantasies of trying to wake some of them up in some way but unless a person is ready to really hear the real truth, there's not much someone at a distance can do - it really just makes them dig their heels in even more.

    Exactly right! For many of them, especially elderly long-timers, the kindest thing can be to just not discuss it. Stick to the common ground, and ignore the WT doctrine.

  • carla

    When talking to Christians (not jw's) or those that lean towards Christianity about jw's they certainly don't 'hate' jw's. Of course all jw's like to think they are hated, it just isn't so. Most people don't even give them a thought. We may joke about them and even get annoyed at their knocking on our doors. When having a serious discussion about jw's & their beliefs most people, no, I would say all of them feel pity for them. The most common remark is, "oh, how sad, they have no hope". Or they feel bad about the life of a typical jw. (not including the blood, shunning or pedophile issue here, then there is anger and wondering why a jw can't just walk away which leads to trying to explain cults ........)

    Tell them about elderly jw's & shunning, lack of love, etc... and especially the fact that some elderly jw's are on their death beds dumfounded that they could and are actually going to die and the big A hasn't come! Well! people can hardly believe that! then the non jw's feel sympathy for what a life could have been but instead was used up on the wt treadmill.

    This was excellent-"At some point, they just look pathetic and sad. Victims of their own fantasies. Aging, broke, young kids drifting away, often in poor health , frequently with mental health issues, and driven by cult leaders who are distant, greedy and uncaring, they may end up appearing as people to be pitied. As it is, people at the doors often avoid them because their demeanor is painful to encounter - trying to 'sell' religion, door to door, with all the marketing skills of a librarian hermit."

  • Phizzy

    A "librarian hermit" might actually have some knowledge of what he was trying to sell, that always helps.

    The last time a bunch of them passed by my house, now on the DNC list tee hee, I observed them slowly going from DtoD with unhappy looks on their faces, and as these were all people I knew, I did feel pity for them, trapped in a religion that is on a downward spiral, with a hope that even to them must be seeming more and more doubtful and unrealistic.

    Their enthusiasm for what they were doing was down around nil, and this is refelcted too in the fact that the group was very small, and where they used to call here every 3 to 4 months ,it is now 9 months in between doing the map.

    They are to be pitied, even a dead end job finishes when you retire, they have to trudge on wearily till they die, seeing nothing for their effort.


    The GB has created a fiction in which the whole world hates and persecutes "Jehovah's people.".....Ding


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