Does that include you, Yknot?
Does anyone have the 2012 Memorial Talk outline?
by Alfred 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ynot... Thanks for that 2006 outline... looks like they conveniently left out 1Cor 11:26 from that out line ....
I just wonder if they plan to leave it out the 2012 outline as well...
(any armchair Franzologist wanna go prophetic on 12 in 12 ???? )
ahhh wannabefree....
The outlines change very little. And the talks are almost exactly the same every year. They have very little room to develop anything of interest, and I do not recommend anyone wasting the time and risk of being hounded or recaptured just to hear it.
Black Sheep
No changes to discussion of 1 Cor in 2011 talk
Just checking in to see if anyone has the 2012 Memorial Outline (I already have a couple of older ones)... thanks!
Alfred ... yknot posted the link above ... I have reproduced it for you here
Yes that is the 2006 outline but there was a BOE LTR stating we would be using it again with the exception of changes to the song number....
I am at school and can't post the actual frame but here is what is stated:
Translation of the -2011 version in other languages is pending. the only difference from the Oct 2006 version is that the song numbers have been updated to reflect use of the new songbook
Alfred, i am responsible for the memorial reject jesus event at my hall and i can confirm yknots outline is the newest latest and greatest (as we all know anything from yknot is)
No update since 2006, only song number changed in 2011, current outline has 2006 as copy write.
Hi sister Knot! Good to see you are alive and well.... Hope you are not to tied up these days for a friendly chat... Maybe we can schedule some time soon to catch up on things...